Page 157 - Učilnica za življenje
P. 157
Validation of the Slovenian Version
of Questionnaire on Sustainable
Behaviour for Higher Education Students
Tina Štemberger Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec
Univerza na Primorskem Univerza na Primorskem
The study aimed to validate the Slovenian version of the Questionnaire on Sus-
tainable Behaviour, which is based on socio-psychological model of sustain-
able behaviour as proposed by M. Juares Najera and consists of four scales:
(i) Universal values, (ii) Awareness of consequences, (iii) Ascription of respon-
sibility and (iv) Intra- and inter-personal intelligences. The questionnaire was
validated using item analysis, principal component analysis and Cronbach α
was used to test internal consistency. On a sample of student teachers, results
indicate the Slovenian version of the Questionnaire on Sustainable Behaviour
to be a valid and a reliable instrument for measuring sustainable behaviour
among students.
Keywords: questionnaire, sustainable behaviour, validation, principal compo-
nent analysis, internal consistency
© 2024 Tina Štemberger and Jurka Lepičnik Vodopivec
The concept of sustainability is a complex, multidimensional construct that
initially focused on ecological sustainability. Over time, it has transcended
ecological boundaries, as other dimensions of sustainability have developed
alongside the environmental aspect, particularly the social and economic di-
mensions of sustainable action (sustainability competencies, social values,
care for basic human needs, achieving and maintaining justice, respecting
social and cultural diversity, and maintaining environmental integrity (UN-
ESCO, 2017). Therefore, researching this field is not only complex but also un-
defined, as evidenced by the fact that, despite its emphasized importance,
this field is still very sparsely researched (Bianchi, 2020)
The sustainability paradigm is a holistically designed worldview on civiliza-
tion’s progress within the framework of sustainably maintaining conditions
for the quality of life of the human species and other species. It encourages a
new lifestyle in accordance with ecological principles and rejects excessive,
one-sided consumerism that leads to excessive material prosperity and spiri-
Dolenc,N.,in Cotič,N.(ur).(2024). Učilnica za življenje: vzgoja in izobraževanje
za trajnostni razvoj. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.