Page 159 - Učilnica za življenje
P. 159

Validation of the Slovenian Version of Questionnaire on Sustainable Behaviour

             tive in contributing to more sustainable, socially just, and equitable societies
             (Cebrián et al., 2020).
               ESD can contribute to realizing this vision by developing and strength-
             ening the capacity of individuals, groups, communities, organizations, and
             countries to make assessments and decisions in favour of sustainable de-
             velopment. It encourages changes in people’s thinking, enabling them to
             contribute to greater security, health, and well-being in our world, thus im-
             proving the quality of life. It can give individuals the ability to think critically,
             greater awareness, and more empowerment, allowing them to explore vi-
             sions and concepts and develop new methods and tools (UNECE, 2016). The
             purposeofthisstrategy istoencourage UNECE member states to develop
             ESD and integrate it into their formal education systems as well as into non-
             formal and informal education. This will provide people with the knowledge
             and skills necessary for sustainable development, strengthen their compe-
             tence and confidence, and enhance their opportunities to strive for a healthy
             and productive life that is in harmony with nature and respects social values,
             gender equality, and cultural diversity.
               In Slovenia, the first guidelines for ESD were adopted in 2007. They out-
             lined the strategy for Slovenia’s development based on sustainable devel-
             opment, ‘to achieve which Slovenia will ensure the physical, mental, social,
             cultural, and economic well-being of its citizens with responsibility towards
             future generations and their natural and social environment’ (Ministrstvo za
             šolstvo in šport Republike Slovenije, 2007). The guidelines stated that ESD in-
             cludes interconnected environmental, economic, and social issues. The key
             areas of sustainable development listed were citizenship, peace, ethics, re-
             justice, security, human rights, poverty reduction, health, gender equality,
             cultural diversity, rural and urban development, economy, production and
             consumption patterns, shared responsibility, environmental protection, nat-
             ural resource management, and biodiversity and landscape diversity.
               Thus, ESD is a comprehensive, coherent pedagogical process that includes
             the relationship between humans and nature and relationships among peo-
             ple, leading to an understanding of the multifaceted connection between
             natural, economic, social, and political systems and the interdependence of
             people living in different parts of the world. It aims to actively and construc-
             tively address current and future environmental and social issues of human-
             ity (Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport Republike Slovenije, 2007, p. 2). To achieve
             all this, changes in behaviour, lifestyle, and thinking at the local and global
             levels, as well as changes at the individual level, are important.

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