Page 57 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Uhvati pravu ravnotežu! ■ Get the balance right! Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2014.
P. 57
risniju vezu s vojnim postrojbama svakako se do- Linked closer to military units should also be the strig- kraj osorske stare ere ■ the end of the old era in osor 57
vode i strigili (strugači). S najvećom zbirkom strigila ili. With the most numerous collection of strigili on
na području istočne obale Jadrana, Osor i po pitanju territory of Eastern Adriatic, Osor presents an excep-
tih predmeta predstavlja pravu iznimku. Najvećim di- tion. They should be considered in the period from
jelom razmatraju se u vremenu od 2. do. 1. st. pr. Kr. i the 2nd to the 1st century BC and closer linked to the
uže povezuju uz proizvodnju aquilejskih radionica. production of workshops from Aquilea. Special at-
Posebnu pozornost privlači i brojna tanad u obliku tention should also be directed to the numerous lead
žira za praćke, od kojih su dva na sebi sadržavala i nat- sling shots in the form of an acorn from which the two
pis. Zatim tu je nekoliko dugih sulica (pilum) za boj are even inscribed. Further there are several throwing
na daljinu, vrhova kopalja i noževa itd. Od kraja Rim- spears (pila), spear heads, knives etc. From the end of
ske Republike (1. st. pr. Kr.) više se nije upotrebljavala the Roman republic (1st century BC) lead sling shots of
olovna tanad navedenog tipa, svjedočeći time u prilog this form were not used any more. This fact supports
tezi o politički usmjerenoj i strateški angažiranoj pozi- the political orientation and strategic engagement of
ciji Osora toga doba. Dodatnu potvrdu istome pružit Osor of the time. This is further confirmed by the rel-
će i relativno noviji nalazi ogromnih keramičkih spre- atively new discovery of large ceramic storage pithoi
mišta istraženih na zapadnom dijelu grada koji su se which were discovered in western part of the town – a
upotrebljavali za skladištenja roba u vojnim logorima form used for storing supplies in military camps.
ili kampovima.
Historical sources also document that the institution
Da je institucija aleata ili foederata s kvarnerskim zajed- of aleati or foederati with societies from Kvarner must
nicama uistinu postojala u kontinuitetu već od toga have existed from this period on if not ever earlier. The
vremena, ako ne i ranije, potvrdno je čitljivo i iz drugih impressive hoard of silver Roman republican denar-
izvora. Impresivna ostava srebrnih republikanskih no- ii, so-called Osor Treasure, is just one of them. Any-
vaca, tzv. osorsko blago samo je jedan od njih. Svaka- way, with the arrival of the Romans in 2nd century BC
ko je dolaskom Rimljana u 2. st. pr. Kr. nastupilo posve a new era started. A period in which Osor trespassed
novo doba, doba kojim je Osor prešao prag povijesti i the threshold of history and entered into another ex-
ušao u još jednu iznimno bogatu »epizodu« svoje ve- ceptionally rich »episode« of its marvellous past.
lebne prošlosti.
vode i strigili (strugači). S najvećom zbirkom strigila ili. With the most numerous collection of strigili on
na području istočne obale Jadrana, Osor i po pitanju territory of Eastern Adriatic, Osor presents an excep-
tih predmeta predstavlja pravu iznimku. Najvećim di- tion. They should be considered in the period from
jelom razmatraju se u vremenu od 2. do. 1. st. pr. Kr. i the 2nd to the 1st century BC and closer linked to the
uže povezuju uz proizvodnju aquilejskih radionica. production of workshops from Aquilea. Special at-
Posebnu pozornost privlači i brojna tanad u obliku tention should also be directed to the numerous lead
žira za praćke, od kojih su dva na sebi sadržavala i nat- sling shots in the form of an acorn from which the two
pis. Zatim tu je nekoliko dugih sulica (pilum) za boj are even inscribed. Further there are several throwing
na daljinu, vrhova kopalja i noževa itd. Od kraja Rim- spears (pila), spear heads, knives etc. From the end of
ske Republike (1. st. pr. Kr.) više se nije upotrebljavala the Roman republic (1st century BC) lead sling shots of
olovna tanad navedenog tipa, svjedočeći time u prilog this form were not used any more. This fact supports
tezi o politički usmjerenoj i strateški angažiranoj pozi- the political orientation and strategic engagement of
ciji Osora toga doba. Dodatnu potvrdu istome pružit Osor of the time. This is further confirmed by the rel-
će i relativno noviji nalazi ogromnih keramičkih spre- atively new discovery of large ceramic storage pithoi
mišta istraženih na zapadnom dijelu grada koji su se which were discovered in western part of the town – a
upotrebljavali za skladištenja roba u vojnim logorima form used for storing supplies in military camps.
ili kampovima.
Historical sources also document that the institution
Da je institucija aleata ili foederata s kvarnerskim zajed- of aleati or foederati with societies from Kvarner must
nicama uistinu postojala u kontinuitetu već od toga have existed from this period on if not ever earlier. The
vremena, ako ne i ranije, potvrdno je čitljivo i iz drugih impressive hoard of silver Roman republican denar-
izvora. Impresivna ostava srebrnih republikanskih no- ii, so-called Osor Treasure, is just one of them. Any-
vaca, tzv. osorsko blago samo je jedan od njih. Svaka- way, with the arrival of the Romans in 2nd century BC
ko je dolaskom Rimljana u 2. st. pr. Kr. nastupilo posve a new era started. A period in which Osor trespassed
novo doba, doba kojim je Osor prešao prag povijesti i the threshold of history and entered into another ex-
ušao u još jednu iznimno bogatu »epizodu« svoje ve- ceptionally rich »episode« of its marvellous past.
lebne prošlosti.