Page 55 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Uhvati pravu ravnotežu! ■ Get the balance right! Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2014.
P. 55
Kraj osorske stare ere
The end of the Old era in Osor
Već od kraja 3. st. pr. Kr. prostor sjevernog Ja- Already from the end of the 3rd century BC 55
drana našao se u interesnoj oblasti novog ve- the territory of northern Adriatic was locat-
likog hegemona: Rimske Republike. Njezina ed in the sphere of influence of a new rising
agresivna politika kulminirala je najbližim tzv. histar- hegemon – the Roman republic. Its aggressive politics
skim ratovima koji su zaključeni osvajanjem Nezakci- culminated in close Histrian wars which were con-
ja 177. g. pr. Kr. i, barem formalnim, okončanjem duge cluded in 177 BC with the conquest of Nesactium –
prapovijesti istarskog poluotoka. Sama fizička poveza- the formal act which ended the long prehistory of Is-
nost bila je ključna da su se povijesni događaji vezani trian peninsula. Physical connection was of crucial
uz Istru, izravno reflektirali na prilike i ne prilike u čita- importance, since the historical events linked to Istria
vom kvarnerskom bazenu. Opravdano se promišlja da were directly reflected in the events across the basin of
je već u 2. st. pr. Kr. određena rimska vojna prisutnost Kvarner. It seems justified to consider that as early as
morala biti u Osoru, jer je to jedina navigacijska točka the 2nd century Roman military was present in Osor.
iz koje su logistički mogli planirati, manevrirati i izvr- The latter seems to have been the only navigation-
šiti napad na Nezakcij. Ogroman broj fibula srednjo i al point from which Romans could plan, manoeuvre
kasnolatenskih shema neposredno ukazuje na prispi- and conduct the attack on Nesactium. A large num-
jeće novih kulturnih dotoka iz sjeverne Italije koji su, ber of fibulae of Middle and Late La Tène scheme un-
u sastavu rimske ekspanzije prodirali na naše prosto- doubtedly demonstrate the arrival of new cultural in-
re. Pri tome valja izdvojiti uistinu velik broj fibula tipa fluences from northern Italy which, in the framework
Picugi, zatim fibule tipa Misano, Nauhaim, Jezerine, of the roman expansion, penetrated in to our territo-
Almgren 65 i druge. ries. Among them one should put forward the large
number of fibulae of Picugi, Misano, Nauhaim, Jezer-
ine, Almgren 65 an many other types.
The end of the Old era in Osor
Već od kraja 3. st. pr. Kr. prostor sjevernog Ja- Already from the end of the 3rd century BC 55
drana našao se u interesnoj oblasti novog ve- the territory of northern Adriatic was locat-
likog hegemona: Rimske Republike. Njezina ed in the sphere of influence of a new rising
agresivna politika kulminirala je najbližim tzv. histar- hegemon – the Roman republic. Its aggressive politics
skim ratovima koji su zaključeni osvajanjem Nezakci- culminated in close Histrian wars which were con-
ja 177. g. pr. Kr. i, barem formalnim, okončanjem duge cluded in 177 BC with the conquest of Nesactium –
prapovijesti istarskog poluotoka. Sama fizička poveza- the formal act which ended the long prehistory of Is-
nost bila je ključna da su se povijesni događaji vezani trian peninsula. Physical connection was of crucial
uz Istru, izravno reflektirali na prilike i ne prilike u čita- importance, since the historical events linked to Istria
vom kvarnerskom bazenu. Opravdano se promišlja da were directly reflected in the events across the basin of
je već u 2. st. pr. Kr. određena rimska vojna prisutnost Kvarner. It seems justified to consider that as early as
morala biti u Osoru, jer je to jedina navigacijska točka the 2nd century Roman military was present in Osor.
iz koje su logistički mogli planirati, manevrirati i izvr- The latter seems to have been the only navigation-
šiti napad na Nezakcij. Ogroman broj fibula srednjo i al point from which Romans could plan, manoeuvre
kasnolatenskih shema neposredno ukazuje na prispi- and conduct the attack on Nesactium. A large num-
jeće novih kulturnih dotoka iz sjeverne Italije koji su, ber of fibulae of Middle and Late La Tène scheme un-
u sastavu rimske ekspanzije prodirali na naše prosto- doubtedly demonstrate the arrival of new cultural in-
re. Pri tome valja izdvojiti uistinu velik broj fibula tipa fluences from northern Italy which, in the framework
Picugi, zatim fibule tipa Misano, Nauhaim, Jezerine, of the roman expansion, penetrated in to our territo-
Almgren 65 i druge. ries. Among them one should put forward the large
number of fibulae of Picugi, Misano, Nauhaim, Jezer-
ine, Almgren 65 an many other types.