Page 105 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 105
emno odprtimi kljuni, ki se zaključujejo v obliki spi- stylistic elements of central Europe (Lubšina Tušek, mečenosec ■ the sword bearer 103
rale (Ramsl 2002, 108), okras med njimi pa lahko opi- Kavur 2009) (Figure 37, 38); the geometric ornamen-
šemo kot primer po-Waldalgesheimske spirale v ob- tal scheme on the scabbard is a reflection of Early
liki črke »S«. Hipotezo o glavah dodatno potrjujejo Style and is filled with post-Waldalgesheim tendrils.
manjše pike, ki se nahajajo na mestih na katerih bi mo- The ornament is organized in an asymmetric, pro-
rale biti oči (Szabó, Petres 1992, 43, 189, Pl. 71). Podob- to-Hungarian stylistic manner, containing the add-
no bi lahko razlagali tudi okras ploščice za pripenjanje ed yin-yang decoration borrowed from the spectrum
na pas na nožnici iz Vojvodine kjer spiralno zaviti kon- of Plastic Style (Szabó, Petres 1992, 58). The top of the
ci S-ov tvorijo oči živalskega para. Prav tako za razli- decorated field is adorned with tendrils, forming a
ko od okrasa v obliki lotosovega cveta, se kljuni živa- pseudo-triskele with non-identical legs and offshoots
li končajo ostro v konici ter niso zaviti oziroma imajo in Swiss Style. The sheath is fixed with a clamp with lat-
celo vreze na mestu, kjer bi se na kljunu morale naha- eral reinforcements and frontal concave discs decorat-
jati nosnice (De Navarro 1972a, 94; De Navarro 1972b ed with floral ornaments constructed in Plastic Style.
Pl. CXXXVII, 1b; Szabó, Petres 1992, 237, Pl. 119, 1, Cat. Although the description sounds somewhat ridicu-
nr. 127). lous, it is a true reflection of the creative potential that
was unleashed with the expansion of the Celtic world
Okras nožnice meča iz Srednice pa najbolj ustreza de- at the end of the 4th century BC, when the use and re-
finiciji »hibrida« okrašenega z eklektično ornamen- interpretation of old artistic traditions created the ba-
talno shemo, ki združuje vse keltske slogovne elemen- sis for the formation of new Middle La Tène artistic
te področja osrednje Evrope (Lubšina Tušek, Kavur styles.
2009) (Slika 37, 38) – geometrijska ornamentalna she-
ma na nožnici je odsev Zgodnjega sloga ter je zapol- Two swords similar to the find from Srednica, having
njena s powaldalgesheimskim vitičevjem. Ornament numerous stylistic similarities both in decoration and
je organiziran na asimetričen način protomadžarske- manufacture, were exhibited recently in a private mu-
ga sloga ter vsebuje dodan okras yin-yang, ki je izpo- seum in Deutschlandsberg, Austrian Styria. Although
sojen iz spektra oblik Plastičnega sloga (Szabó, Petres it is stated that the graves originate from Styria, the ex-
1992, 58). Vrh okrasnega polja je okrašen z viticami, ki act site of their origins is either unknown (Berndt, Ber-
oblikujejo psevdo-trojno zavojko z neidentičnimi kra- ndhard 1998, 35, 42) or, in reference to one of them at an
ki ter izrastki v Švicarskem slogu. Nožnica pa je fiksi- exhibition a few years earlier, marked as Liebloch (He-
rana z objemko z lateralnimi ojačitvami ter frontalni- bert 1992, 73-75). The first grave, exhibited in the muse-
ma konkavnima diskoma okrašenima z rastlinskimi um and displayed in the catalogue, contains a sword
okrasi izdelanimi v Plastičnem slogu. Čeprav opis with a scabbard of the same shape, a similar knife and
rale (Ramsl 2002, 108), okras med njimi pa lahko opi- Kavur 2009) (Figure 37, 38); the geometric ornamen-
šemo kot primer po-Waldalgesheimske spirale v ob- tal scheme on the scabbard is a reflection of Early
liki črke »S«. Hipotezo o glavah dodatno potrjujejo Style and is filled with post-Waldalgesheim tendrils.
manjše pike, ki se nahajajo na mestih na katerih bi mo- The ornament is organized in an asymmetric, pro-
rale biti oči (Szabó, Petres 1992, 43, 189, Pl. 71). Podob- to-Hungarian stylistic manner, containing the add-
no bi lahko razlagali tudi okras ploščice za pripenjanje ed yin-yang decoration borrowed from the spectrum
na pas na nožnici iz Vojvodine kjer spiralno zaviti kon- of Plastic Style (Szabó, Petres 1992, 58). The top of the
ci S-ov tvorijo oči živalskega para. Prav tako za razli- decorated field is adorned with tendrils, forming a
ko od okrasa v obliki lotosovega cveta, se kljuni živa- pseudo-triskele with non-identical legs and offshoots
li končajo ostro v konici ter niso zaviti oziroma imajo in Swiss Style. The sheath is fixed with a clamp with lat-
celo vreze na mestu, kjer bi se na kljunu morale naha- eral reinforcements and frontal concave discs decorat-
jati nosnice (De Navarro 1972a, 94; De Navarro 1972b ed with floral ornaments constructed in Plastic Style.
Pl. CXXXVII, 1b; Szabó, Petres 1992, 237, Pl. 119, 1, Cat. Although the description sounds somewhat ridicu-
nr. 127). lous, it is a true reflection of the creative potential that
was unleashed with the expansion of the Celtic world
Okras nožnice meča iz Srednice pa najbolj ustreza de- at the end of the 4th century BC, when the use and re-
finiciji »hibrida« okrašenega z eklektično ornamen- interpretation of old artistic traditions created the ba-
talno shemo, ki združuje vse keltske slogovne elemen- sis for the formation of new Middle La Tène artistic
te področja osrednje Evrope (Lubšina Tušek, Kavur styles.
2009) (Slika 37, 38) – geometrijska ornamentalna she-
ma na nožnici je odsev Zgodnjega sloga ter je zapol- Two swords similar to the find from Srednica, having
njena s powaldalgesheimskim vitičevjem. Ornament numerous stylistic similarities both in decoration and
je organiziran na asimetričen način protomadžarske- manufacture, were exhibited recently in a private mu-
ga sloga ter vsebuje dodan okras yin-yang, ki je izpo- seum in Deutschlandsberg, Austrian Styria. Although
sojen iz spektra oblik Plastičnega sloga (Szabó, Petres it is stated that the graves originate from Styria, the ex-
1992, 58). Vrh okrasnega polja je okrašen z viticami, ki act site of their origins is either unknown (Berndt, Ber-
oblikujejo psevdo-trojno zavojko z neidentičnimi kra- ndhard 1998, 35, 42) or, in reference to one of them at an
ki ter izrastki v Švicarskem slogu. Nožnica pa je fiksi- exhibition a few years earlier, marked as Liebloch (He-
rana z objemko z lateralnimi ojačitvami ter frontalni- bert 1992, 73-75). The first grave, exhibited in the muse-
ma konkavnima diskoma okrašenima z rastlinskimi um and displayed in the catalogue, contains a sword
okrasi izdelanimi v Plastičnem slogu. Čeprav opis with a scabbard of the same shape, a similar knife and