Page 101 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 101
analizi razvoja keltske oborožitve, s posebnim po- their upper plank and are decorated with a pair of drag-
udarkom na mečih, pasnih garniturah ter ščitnih gr- ons. Swords generally have a strongly expressed cen-
bah je Andre Rapin pokazal, da je velika sprememba tral rib, but do not have a pommel at the end of their
ob koncu 4. ter na začetku 3. stoletja privedla do vpe- handle. While swords in group A1 are often decorated
ljave krajših mečev s okroglimi koničniki – tko imeno- with floral motifs and have, although rarely preserved,
vanega tipa Hatvan-Boldog/Münsingen. Vključil jih two hemispherical decorative buttons attached to the
je v skupino, ki jo je označil kot A2 (Rapin 1995, 276– front of the clamp. The blades of these swords have a
277). Pri analizi okrasa nožnic je sprejel predlog Éve rhombic cross-section and a larger pommel at the end mečenosec ■ the sword bearer 99
Petres in Miklósa Szaba, ki sta predlagala, da bi meče of the handle (Rapin 2000, 99-104). In his work, he ad-
iz te skupine bilo ustrezneje deliti po primerih z naj- vanced this perspective and position, which was pri-
dišča Kosd na Madžarskem (Szabó, Petres 1992, 80). or started by Jean-Jacques Charpy (Charpy 1987) and
Avtorja sta zgodovinsko kontroverznost okoli poime- Thierry Lejars who had proposed the formal division
novanja rešila s poimenovanjem tipov glede na oblike according to observations of sword sheaths from the
koničnikov prisotne na grobišču Kosd. Meče z okrog- sanctuary in Gournay-sur-Aronde (Lejars 1994, 19- 21).
lim zaključkom nožnice sta opredelila kot tip Kosd A In his analysis, Thomas Stöllner demonstrated the his-
ter jih glede na dolžino koničnika natančneje razdeli- torical development and spatial distribution of swords
la na tipa A1 in A2 (Petres, Szabó 1985, 91 Abb. 7). Meč of Hatvan-Boldog/Münsingen-type. Their origins
iz Srednice tako lahko vključimo v skupino Kosd A1 can be traced to Lt B1 on the territory between Marne,
– med meče s širokim okroglim zaključkom nožnice, southern Germany, Switzerland and Austria, to be lat-
ki predstavljajo najbolj popularno obliko v času Lt B er expanded by Celtic migrations to the Carpathi-
(Ramsl 2002, 79). an basin and Italy (Lejars 1994, 39-42; Stöllner 1998).
A. Rapin je v svojih pregledih pokazal občutne razli- L. Pauli showed in Dürnnberg that, uniform in their
ke nožnic, njihovih okrasov pa tudi mečev njih. Opo- shapes, they featured blade lengths of 53 to 55 centime-
zoril je, da imajo nožnice tipa Kosd A2 mečinoma na ters in the initial phase (Pauli 1978, 221). In the case of
zgornji platici v sredini izdelano rebro ter so okrašene Pottenbrunn, P. Ramsl divided them into two groups,
s parom zmajev. Meči pa imajo močno izraženo cen- with examples from the second, younger group mea-
tralno rebro, vendar nimajo na koncu ročaja glaviča. suring between 68.5 and 75 centimeters (Ramsl 2002,
Na drugi strani pa so meči skupine A1 pogosto okra- 75). Swords coming from cremated graves from the
šeni s floralnimi motivi ter imajo, čeprav le redko oh- younger group dated to Lt B1 were all violently de-
ranjena, dva hemisferična okrasna gumba pritrjena na stroyed – bent (Ramsl 2002, 139-146, T. 34, 1, T. 72, 4, T.
sprednji strani objemke. Rezila mečev so rombičnega 73, 5, T. 76, 11, T. 80, 7).
udarkom na mečih, pasnih garniturah ter ščitnih gr- ons. Swords generally have a strongly expressed cen-
bah je Andre Rapin pokazal, da je velika sprememba tral rib, but do not have a pommel at the end of their
ob koncu 4. ter na začetku 3. stoletja privedla do vpe- handle. While swords in group A1 are often decorated
ljave krajših mečev s okroglimi koničniki – tko imeno- with floral motifs and have, although rarely preserved,
vanega tipa Hatvan-Boldog/Münsingen. Vključil jih two hemispherical decorative buttons attached to the
je v skupino, ki jo je označil kot A2 (Rapin 1995, 276– front of the clamp. The blades of these swords have a
277). Pri analizi okrasa nožnic je sprejel predlog Éve rhombic cross-section and a larger pommel at the end mečenosec ■ the sword bearer 99
Petres in Miklósa Szaba, ki sta predlagala, da bi meče of the handle (Rapin 2000, 99-104). In his work, he ad-
iz te skupine bilo ustrezneje deliti po primerih z naj- vanced this perspective and position, which was pri-
dišča Kosd na Madžarskem (Szabó, Petres 1992, 80). or started by Jean-Jacques Charpy (Charpy 1987) and
Avtorja sta zgodovinsko kontroverznost okoli poime- Thierry Lejars who had proposed the formal division
novanja rešila s poimenovanjem tipov glede na oblike according to observations of sword sheaths from the
koničnikov prisotne na grobišču Kosd. Meče z okrog- sanctuary in Gournay-sur-Aronde (Lejars 1994, 19- 21).
lim zaključkom nožnice sta opredelila kot tip Kosd A In his analysis, Thomas Stöllner demonstrated the his-
ter jih glede na dolžino koničnika natančneje razdeli- torical development and spatial distribution of swords
la na tipa A1 in A2 (Petres, Szabó 1985, 91 Abb. 7). Meč of Hatvan-Boldog/Münsingen-type. Their origins
iz Srednice tako lahko vključimo v skupino Kosd A1 can be traced to Lt B1 on the territory between Marne,
– med meče s širokim okroglim zaključkom nožnice, southern Germany, Switzerland and Austria, to be lat-
ki predstavljajo najbolj popularno obliko v času Lt B er expanded by Celtic migrations to the Carpathi-
(Ramsl 2002, 79). an basin and Italy (Lejars 1994, 39-42; Stöllner 1998).
A. Rapin je v svojih pregledih pokazal občutne razli- L. Pauli showed in Dürnnberg that, uniform in their
ke nožnic, njihovih okrasov pa tudi mečev njih. Opo- shapes, they featured blade lengths of 53 to 55 centime-
zoril je, da imajo nožnice tipa Kosd A2 mečinoma na ters in the initial phase (Pauli 1978, 221). In the case of
zgornji platici v sredini izdelano rebro ter so okrašene Pottenbrunn, P. Ramsl divided them into two groups,
s parom zmajev. Meči pa imajo močno izraženo cen- with examples from the second, younger group mea-
tralno rebro, vendar nimajo na koncu ročaja glaviča. suring between 68.5 and 75 centimeters (Ramsl 2002,
Na drugi strani pa so meči skupine A1 pogosto okra- 75). Swords coming from cremated graves from the
šeni s floralnimi motivi ter imajo, čeprav le redko oh- younger group dated to Lt B1 were all violently de-
ranjena, dva hemisferična okrasna gumba pritrjena na stroyed – bent (Ramsl 2002, 139-146, T. 34, 1, T. 72, 4, T.
sprednji strani objemke. Rezila mečev so rombičnega 73, 5, T. 76, 11, T. 80, 7).