Page 117 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 117
opavanjih na Turnirskem prostoru odkril Viktor mation. We could most probably also place in this con- zaključek ■ conclusion 115
Skrabar. Nahajal se je v grobu številka 43 in ob objavi text the decorated ring which was discovered by Vik-
je Paola Korošec opomnila, da gre za predmet »neslo- tor Skrabar in 1909 during his excavations in the area of
vanskega izvora« (Korošec 1999, 15, T. 5, 7). Njegov reli- Turnirski prostor. It was located in grave number 43, and
efno okras izdelav s tehniko globokega vreza kot tudi Paola Korošec noted in his publication that this item is
motiv ponavljajočih se polovic meandra kaže posame- of »non-Slavic origin« (Korošec 1999, 15, T. 5, 7). It is em-
zne slogovne podobnosti z okrasom Plastičnega sloga. bossed with the manufacturing technique of deep inci-
sions as well as with the motif of repeated halves of me-
Zanesljivejše podatke pa nam nudijo grobišča kot ander, demonstrating individual stylistic similarities with
je bilo odkrito v Srednici. Kažejo, da so prvi nase- decoration in Plastic Style.
ljenci pripadali majhnim, najverjetneje poljedelskim
skupnostim, ki so poseljevale redko poseljeno pokra- A cemetery discovered in Srednica could offer us more
jino, na drugi strani pa nam zakladne najdbe orožja reliable data. It demonstrates that the first settlers be-
iz teh časov, kot so bile odkrite v Kobaridu v Posočju longed to small, probably agricultural communities
(Mlinar, Gerbec 2011) ter v Borče na Koroškem, kaže- that inhabited the sparsely populated countryside. On
jo, da so se v tem času skozi pokrajino gibale tudi dobro the other hand, the contemporary hoards of weapons
organizirane, močno oborožene in izjemno motivira- discovered in Kobarid, Posočje (Miller, Gerbec 2011)
ne vojaške formacije. Rezultat verjetno takega poho- and Borče, Carinthia show that it was a period when
da, ki je bil usmerjen proti etruščanskim centrom na well-organized, strongly armed and highly motivated
področju severne Italije, je najverjetneje tudi zakla- military formations were marching through the land-
dna najdba čelad negovskega tipa odkrita v Ženjaku scape. It is likely that the hoard of Negova-type helmets
pri Negovi. Glede na sestav najdb oziroma najmlajše discovered in Ženjak, Negova is a result of such a cam-
kose, lahko domnevamo, da je bila odložena v 4. stole- paign, which was directed against Etruscan centers in
tju (Teržan 2012). northern Italy. Depending on the finds’ composition
and the youngest pieces, we can assume that it was de-
Iz istega časa, natančneje zadnje četrtine 4. stoletja posited in the 4th century BC (Teržan 2012).
pred našim štetjem, je tudi keramični skifos, ki naj bi
izviral iz Starš na Dravskem polju (Slika 41). Razlo- A ceramic skiphos from the same period, specifically
mljen ter popravljen kaže, da je bil intenzivno upo- the last quarter of the 4th century BC, was also discov-
rabljen in vzdrževan kar je ena izmed temeljnih zna- ered in Starše on Dravsko polje (Figure 41). Broken and
čilnosti uvoženih predmetov. Glede na obliko ter repaired, it indicates that it was intensively used and
standard okrasa ga lahko pripišemo keramiki srednje maintained, which is one of the fundamental char-
Skrabar. Nahajal se je v grobu številka 43 in ob objavi text the decorated ring which was discovered by Vik-
je Paola Korošec opomnila, da gre za predmet »neslo- tor Skrabar in 1909 during his excavations in the area of
vanskega izvora« (Korošec 1999, 15, T. 5, 7). Njegov reli- Turnirski prostor. It was located in grave number 43, and
efno okras izdelav s tehniko globokega vreza kot tudi Paola Korošec noted in his publication that this item is
motiv ponavljajočih se polovic meandra kaže posame- of »non-Slavic origin« (Korošec 1999, 15, T. 5, 7). It is em-
zne slogovne podobnosti z okrasom Plastičnega sloga. bossed with the manufacturing technique of deep inci-
sions as well as with the motif of repeated halves of me-
Zanesljivejše podatke pa nam nudijo grobišča kot ander, demonstrating individual stylistic similarities with
je bilo odkrito v Srednici. Kažejo, da so prvi nase- decoration in Plastic Style.
ljenci pripadali majhnim, najverjetneje poljedelskim
skupnostim, ki so poseljevale redko poseljeno pokra- A cemetery discovered in Srednica could offer us more
jino, na drugi strani pa nam zakladne najdbe orožja reliable data. It demonstrates that the first settlers be-
iz teh časov, kot so bile odkrite v Kobaridu v Posočju longed to small, probably agricultural communities
(Mlinar, Gerbec 2011) ter v Borče na Koroškem, kaže- that inhabited the sparsely populated countryside. On
jo, da so se v tem času skozi pokrajino gibale tudi dobro the other hand, the contemporary hoards of weapons
organizirane, močno oborožene in izjemno motivira- discovered in Kobarid, Posočje (Miller, Gerbec 2011)
ne vojaške formacije. Rezultat verjetno takega poho- and Borče, Carinthia show that it was a period when
da, ki je bil usmerjen proti etruščanskim centrom na well-organized, strongly armed and highly motivated
področju severne Italije, je najverjetneje tudi zakla- military formations were marching through the land-
dna najdba čelad negovskega tipa odkrita v Ženjaku scape. It is likely that the hoard of Negova-type helmets
pri Negovi. Glede na sestav najdb oziroma najmlajše discovered in Ženjak, Negova is a result of such a cam-
kose, lahko domnevamo, da je bila odložena v 4. stole- paign, which was directed against Etruscan centers in
tju (Teržan 2012). northern Italy. Depending on the finds’ composition
and the youngest pieces, we can assume that it was de-
Iz istega časa, natančneje zadnje četrtine 4. stoletja posited in the 4th century BC (Teržan 2012).
pred našim štetjem, je tudi keramični skifos, ki naj bi
izviral iz Starš na Dravskem polju (Slika 41). Razlo- A ceramic skiphos from the same period, specifically
mljen ter popravljen kaže, da je bil intenzivno upo- the last quarter of the 4th century BC, was also discov-
rabljen in vzdrževan kar je ena izmed temeljnih zna- ered in Starše on Dravsko polje (Figure 41). Broken and
čilnosti uvoženih predmetov. Glede na obliko ter repaired, it indicates that it was intensively used and
standard okrasa ga lahko pripišemo keramiki srednje maintained, which is one of the fundamental char-