Page 119 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 119
e Gnathia tipa. Zaznamuje ga izredno kvaliteten acteristics of imported items. Due to its shape and zaključek ■ conclusion 117
premaz z značilnim načinom okraševanja z motivom standard decoration, it can be attributed to the medi-
tako imenovanega jajčaste letvice ter gostih in debelih um phase of Gnathia-type pottery. It is characterized
linij bele in rdeče barve pod njim. Natančneje ga lah- by an extremely high-quality coating and a distinctive
ko pripišemo skupini Knudsen iz kanuzijskih delavnic decorative pattern having the motif of so-called egg-
Daunije iz zadnje četrtine 4. stoletja pred našim šte- shaped slats and dense, thick lines of white and red
tjem (Green 2001, 62–63). Ta tip keramike je na vzhod- paint underneath. More specifically, it can be attrib-
ni jadranski obali zelo redek (Miše 2013, 104–105, karta uted to the Knudsen group of Canossian workshops
1), najdba iz Starš pa bi pomenila njegovo najsevernejše from Daunia from the last quarter of the 4th centu-
odkritje. Obe izjemni najdbi, zakladna najdba iz Ne- ry BC (Green 2001, 62-63). This type of pottery is very
gove ter domnevno iz Starš izvirajoči skifos sta priči rare on the eastern Adriatic coast (Miše 2013, 104-105,
nemirnega obdobja, ko je Podravje postalo vključe- Map 1), and the discovery from Starše would represent
no v svet vzhodnih Keltov, obdobja ko so prišleki, kot its northernmost discovery. Both exceptional discov-
nam kažejo skromne najdbe na Turnirskem prostoru eries – the hoard from Negova and presumably from
zavzeli dominantne točke nekdanje poselitve ter svoje Starše originating skyphos – are representative of the
mrtve, kot lahko vidimo v Srednici ter na drugih naj- turbulent period when the region around Drava be-
diščih (Bernhard 2012), pokopavali na prostorih nek- came included in the world of Eastern Celts, the peri-
danjih grobišč. od when newcomers, as shown by the modest findings
on Turnirski prostor, settled on the dominant point
Keltska grobišča, datirana v Lt B1 oziroma prvo polo- of the former settlement and buried their dead, as can
vico 4. stoletja so se nahajala v Spodnji Avstriji, jugo- be seen in Srednica and other sites (Bernhard 2012) on
zahodni Slovaški ter severni Transdanubiji. Kot verje- the territories of former cemeteries.
tno najstarejši lahko izpostavimo najdišči Bécsidomb
in Ménföcsanak. V četrtem stoletju, oziroma v času Celtic graves dated to Lt B1 and the first half of the 4th
Lt B2, pa lahko sledimo premik populacij proti jugu century BC were located in Lower Austria, south-west-
v Karpatski bazen ter dalje proti osrednjemu Balkanu ern Slovakia and northern Transdanubia. We can
(Horváth 2005, 63; Szabó, Tankó 2006, 330). Del tega mention Bécsidomb and Ménföcsanak as probably
procesa je tudi selitev proti Blatnemu jezeru (Szabó among the oldest regional sites. In the fourth century
1992, 21–22), ki pa se je, glede na sedanje poznavanje ar- or during Lt B2, one can follow the movement of pop-
heoloških najdb, zaustavila na področju od današnje- ulations to the south, from the Carpathian basin and
ga Gradca pa do vznožja Pohorja. Iz te začetne faze onwards towards the central Balkans (Horváth 2005,
kolonizacije so poznani še skeletni pokopi, ki pred- 63; Szabó, Tankó 2006, 330). Migration towards Lake
premaz z značilnim načinom okraševanja z motivom standard decoration, it can be attributed to the medi-
tako imenovanega jajčaste letvice ter gostih in debelih um phase of Gnathia-type pottery. It is characterized
linij bele in rdeče barve pod njim. Natančneje ga lah- by an extremely high-quality coating and a distinctive
ko pripišemo skupini Knudsen iz kanuzijskih delavnic decorative pattern having the motif of so-called egg-
Daunije iz zadnje četrtine 4. stoletja pred našim šte- shaped slats and dense, thick lines of white and red
tjem (Green 2001, 62–63). Ta tip keramike je na vzhod- paint underneath. More specifically, it can be attrib-
ni jadranski obali zelo redek (Miše 2013, 104–105, karta uted to the Knudsen group of Canossian workshops
1), najdba iz Starš pa bi pomenila njegovo najsevernejše from Daunia from the last quarter of the 4th centu-
odkritje. Obe izjemni najdbi, zakladna najdba iz Ne- ry BC (Green 2001, 62-63). This type of pottery is very
gove ter domnevno iz Starš izvirajoči skifos sta priči rare on the eastern Adriatic coast (Miše 2013, 104-105,
nemirnega obdobja, ko je Podravje postalo vključe- Map 1), and the discovery from Starše would represent
no v svet vzhodnih Keltov, obdobja ko so prišleki, kot its northernmost discovery. Both exceptional discov-
nam kažejo skromne najdbe na Turnirskem prostoru eries – the hoard from Negova and presumably from
zavzeli dominantne točke nekdanje poselitve ter svoje Starše originating skyphos – are representative of the
mrtve, kot lahko vidimo v Srednici ter na drugih naj- turbulent period when the region around Drava be-
diščih (Bernhard 2012), pokopavali na prostorih nek- came included in the world of Eastern Celts, the peri-
danjih grobišč. od when newcomers, as shown by the modest findings
on Turnirski prostor, settled on the dominant point
Keltska grobišča, datirana v Lt B1 oziroma prvo polo- of the former settlement and buried their dead, as can
vico 4. stoletja so se nahajala v Spodnji Avstriji, jugo- be seen in Srednica and other sites (Bernhard 2012) on
zahodni Slovaški ter severni Transdanubiji. Kot verje- the territories of former cemeteries.
tno najstarejši lahko izpostavimo najdišči Bécsidomb
in Ménföcsanak. V četrtem stoletju, oziroma v času Celtic graves dated to Lt B1 and the first half of the 4th
Lt B2, pa lahko sledimo premik populacij proti jugu century BC were located in Lower Austria, south-west-
v Karpatski bazen ter dalje proti osrednjemu Balkanu ern Slovakia and northern Transdanubia. We can
(Horváth 2005, 63; Szabó, Tankó 2006, 330). Del tega mention Bécsidomb and Ménföcsanak as probably
procesa je tudi selitev proti Blatnemu jezeru (Szabó among the oldest regional sites. In the fourth century
1992, 21–22), ki pa se je, glede na sedanje poznavanje ar- or during Lt B2, one can follow the movement of pop-
heoloških najdb, zaustavila na področju od današnje- ulations to the south, from the Carpathian basin and
ga Gradca pa do vznožja Pohorja. Iz te začetne faze onwards towards the central Balkans (Horváth 2005,
kolonizacije so poznani še skeletni pokopi, ki pred- 63; Szabó, Tankó 2006, 330). Migration towards Lake