Page 121 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 121
vljajo najstarejše pokope – največ diskusije je pripa- Balaton (Szabó 1992, 21-22), which according to cur-
dalo pokopma 63 in 111 z Beograjske Karaburme (To- rent knowledge of archaeological finds ended between
dorović 1974, 56–57; Božič 1981, 322; Guštin 1992, 76), the area of today’s Graz and the foothills of Pohorje, is
sedaj pa podobo dopolnjujejo ženski pokopi iz Sredni- also part of this process. Recognized skeletal inhuma-
ce ter pokopi iz Kapiteljske njive v Novem mestu (npr. tions are from this initial phase of colonization, repre-
senting the oldest burials, the most discussed of which
grob VII/37 – Križ, Stipančić, Škedelj Petrič 2009, 318, were burial numbers 63 and 111 in Belgrade’s Karabur- zaključek ■ conclusion 119
8.5.5, 320, 8.5.27). In če so nekoč mnogi avtorji videli za- ma (Todorović 1974, 56-57; Božič 1981, 322; Guštin 1992,
četno keltsko poselitev osrednjega Balkana povezano 76), female burials in Srednica and in Kapiteljska njiva
s pohodom Brennusa proti jugu v letih 280/279 pred in Novo mesto (grave VII / 37 - Križ, Stipančić, Škedelj
našim štetjem, je postalo jasno, da je bil vojaški pohod Petrič 2009, 318, 8.5.5, 320, 8. 5.27). And, if many authors
zgolj končni rezultat daljšega procesa v regiji, ki je že use them to illustrate initial Celtic settlement in the
kakih 50 let prej prisilil Avtarijate, da so skrili pod zaš- central Balkans associated with the southward march
čito makedonskega kralja Kasandra (Guštin 1992, 71– of Brennus in 280/279 BC, it becomes clear that the
72; Lejars 1994, 60, Szabó 1995, 49–50; Megaw, Megaw, military expedition was the final result of a long pro-
Theodossiev, Torbov 2000, 40). cess in the region, which approximately 50 years before
To pomeni, da se je proces priselitve na področju had already forced the Avtariati to hide under the pro-
vzhodne in jugovzhodne Slovenije, kjer se nahaja- tection of Macedonian King Cassander (Guštin 1992,
jo Srednica ter Novo mesto, ki kažeta pojav pred- 71-72; Lejars 1994, 60; Szabó 1995, 49-50; Megaw, Meg-
metov izdelanih v starejšelatenskem slogu, skrat- aw, Theodossiev, Torbov 2000, 40).
ka materialne kulture prihajajočih Keltov, začel že This means that the process of immigration in eastern
v četrtem stoletju, ko je področje današnje Štajer- and southeastern Slovenia, the territory where Sred-
ske postalo integrirano v kulturno koiné vzhodnih nica and Novo mesto are located, explains the occur-
Keltov (Szabó 1985, 65). Pomembno je izpostaviti, da rence of objects manufactured in Early La Tène style,
meči tipa Hatvan-Boldog, »lečaste steklenice«, za- in short, the material culture of the coming Celts,
pestnice iz prepletene žice z osmičko, jantarni ob- which started in the fourth century BC when the area
ročki z bikoničnim presekom ter železne ovratnice of today’s Styria became integrated into the »cultural
niso zgolj predmeti, ki priseljence povezujejo z ma- koiné« of the Eastern Celts (Szabó 1985, 65). It is impor-
tičnimi kraji keltskih ekspanzij, opazujemo jih lahko tant to point out that the swords of Hatvan-Boldog-
kot simbole – zadnji spomin potovanj, ki so se zače- type, »lenticular flasks«, bracelets of twisted wire with
la nekoč davno prej.
a loop, amber rings with a biconical cross-section, and
dalo pokopma 63 in 111 z Beograjske Karaburme (To- rent knowledge of archaeological finds ended between
dorović 1974, 56–57; Božič 1981, 322; Guštin 1992, 76), the area of today’s Graz and the foothills of Pohorje, is
sedaj pa podobo dopolnjujejo ženski pokopi iz Sredni- also part of this process. Recognized skeletal inhuma-
ce ter pokopi iz Kapiteljske njive v Novem mestu (npr. tions are from this initial phase of colonization, repre-
senting the oldest burials, the most discussed of which
grob VII/37 – Križ, Stipančić, Škedelj Petrič 2009, 318, were burial numbers 63 and 111 in Belgrade’s Karabur- zaključek ■ conclusion 119
8.5.5, 320, 8.5.27). In če so nekoč mnogi avtorji videli za- ma (Todorović 1974, 56-57; Božič 1981, 322; Guštin 1992,
četno keltsko poselitev osrednjega Balkana povezano 76), female burials in Srednica and in Kapiteljska njiva
s pohodom Brennusa proti jugu v letih 280/279 pred in Novo mesto (grave VII / 37 - Križ, Stipančić, Škedelj
našim štetjem, je postalo jasno, da je bil vojaški pohod Petrič 2009, 318, 8.5.5, 320, 8. 5.27). And, if many authors
zgolj končni rezultat daljšega procesa v regiji, ki je že use them to illustrate initial Celtic settlement in the
kakih 50 let prej prisilil Avtarijate, da so skrili pod zaš- central Balkans associated with the southward march
čito makedonskega kralja Kasandra (Guštin 1992, 71– of Brennus in 280/279 BC, it becomes clear that the
72; Lejars 1994, 60, Szabó 1995, 49–50; Megaw, Megaw, military expedition was the final result of a long pro-
Theodossiev, Torbov 2000, 40). cess in the region, which approximately 50 years before
To pomeni, da se je proces priselitve na področju had already forced the Avtariati to hide under the pro-
vzhodne in jugovzhodne Slovenije, kjer se nahaja- tection of Macedonian King Cassander (Guštin 1992,
jo Srednica ter Novo mesto, ki kažeta pojav pred- 71-72; Lejars 1994, 60; Szabó 1995, 49-50; Megaw, Meg-
metov izdelanih v starejšelatenskem slogu, skrat- aw, Theodossiev, Torbov 2000, 40).
ka materialne kulture prihajajočih Keltov, začel že This means that the process of immigration in eastern
v četrtem stoletju, ko je področje današnje Štajer- and southeastern Slovenia, the territory where Sred-
ske postalo integrirano v kulturno koiné vzhodnih nica and Novo mesto are located, explains the occur-
Keltov (Szabó 1985, 65). Pomembno je izpostaviti, da rence of objects manufactured in Early La Tène style,
meči tipa Hatvan-Boldog, »lečaste steklenice«, za- in short, the material culture of the coming Celts,
pestnice iz prepletene žice z osmičko, jantarni ob- which started in the fourth century BC when the area
ročki z bikoničnim presekom ter železne ovratnice of today’s Styria became integrated into the »cultural
niso zgolj predmeti, ki priseljence povezujejo z ma- koiné« of the Eastern Celts (Szabó 1985, 65). It is impor-
tičnimi kraji keltskih ekspanzij, opazujemo jih lahko tant to point out that the swords of Hatvan-Boldog-
kot simbole – zadnji spomin potovanj, ki so se zače- type, »lenticular flasks«, bracelets of twisted wire with
la nekoč davno prej.
a loop, amber rings with a biconical cross-section, and