Page 124 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 124
skupine, ki je razumela znake v stari kulturni pokrajini sumed that a lot of time had passed between the two
ter se odločila, da bo svoje umrle položila k počitku na burial periods (Lubšina Tušek, Kavur 2009; 2011), but
kraju, kjer se je začelo pokopavanje v daljni preteklosti. the absolute dating of some of the destroyed burials
Številna manjša grobišča, ki jih je sestavljalo zgolj par and of the settlement contexts of the Early Iron Age
grobov, kot tudi domnevno izolirani pokopi kažejo, settlement revealed that this was perhaps not the case.
da so manjše skupnosti, ki so z vzhoda prodirale na to It is certain that we are observing the cemetery of a
ozemlje, najprej zasedle strateško pomembne pozici- small group of immigrants from Transdanubia who
na stičišču svetov ■ on the crossroad of worlds 122 je (Megaw, Megaw 2012, 402, 404, Fig. 4), ter posledič- had preserved their identity. It is the burial place of the
no ponovno poselile iste pozicije v pokrajini, ki so bile first Celtic community members that had penetrated
poseljene že stoletja pred tem. Izvor teh majhnih sku- into desolated and sparsely populated areas of eastern
pin, ki so jih vodili mečenosci s svojimi spremljevalka- Slovenia. It is indeed a cemetery of a group that under-
mi, lahko prepoznamo iz njihove opreme ter nakita, stood the signs of the old cultural landscape and de-
ki kaže najštevilčnejše povezave s centri južne Slova- cided to lay their dead to rest in a place where burials
ške in severne Madžarske na področju kolena Donave, had taken place in the distant past. Numerous small
centri, ki so ustvarili materialno kulturo in identiteto cemeteries consisting of only a few graves as well as
jasno zasidrano v tradiciji vzhodnih Keltov. the allegedly isolated burials indicate that the smaller
communities penetrating from the East into this ter-
ritory initially occupied strategically important posi-
tions (Megaw, Megaw 2012, 402, 404, Fig. 4) and, con-
sequently, resettled in territories that were populated
centuries before. The origin of these small groups, led
by sword bearers with their female attendants, is eas-
ily recognizable from their equipment and jewelry,
demonstrating numerous links to centers of south-
ern Slovakia and Hungary to the north of the knee of
the Danube – centers that created the material culture
and identity clearly anchored in the traditions of the
Eastern Celts.
ter se odločila, da bo svoje umrle položila k počitku na burial periods (Lubšina Tušek, Kavur 2009; 2011), but
kraju, kjer se je začelo pokopavanje v daljni preteklosti. the absolute dating of some of the destroyed burials
Številna manjša grobišča, ki jih je sestavljalo zgolj par and of the settlement contexts of the Early Iron Age
grobov, kot tudi domnevno izolirani pokopi kažejo, settlement revealed that this was perhaps not the case.
da so manjše skupnosti, ki so z vzhoda prodirale na to It is certain that we are observing the cemetery of a
ozemlje, najprej zasedle strateško pomembne pozici- small group of immigrants from Transdanubia who
na stičišču svetov ■ on the crossroad of worlds 122 je (Megaw, Megaw 2012, 402, 404, Fig. 4), ter posledič- had preserved their identity. It is the burial place of the
no ponovno poselile iste pozicije v pokrajini, ki so bile first Celtic community members that had penetrated
poseljene že stoletja pred tem. Izvor teh majhnih sku- into desolated and sparsely populated areas of eastern
pin, ki so jih vodili mečenosci s svojimi spremljevalka- Slovenia. It is indeed a cemetery of a group that under-
mi, lahko prepoznamo iz njihove opreme ter nakita, stood the signs of the old cultural landscape and de-
ki kaže najštevilčnejše povezave s centri južne Slova- cided to lay their dead to rest in a place where burials
ške in severne Madžarske na področju kolena Donave, had taken place in the distant past. Numerous small
centri, ki so ustvarili materialno kulturo in identiteto cemeteries consisting of only a few graves as well as
jasno zasidrano v tradiciji vzhodnih Keltov. the allegedly isolated burials indicate that the smaller
communities penetrating from the East into this ter-
ritory initially occupied strategically important posi-
tions (Megaw, Megaw 2012, 402, 404, Fig. 4) and, con-
sequently, resettled in territories that were populated
centuries before. The origin of these small groups, led
by sword bearers with their female attendants, is eas-
ily recognizable from their equipment and jewelry,
demonstrating numerous links to centers of south-
ern Slovakia and Hungary to the north of the knee of
the Danube – centers that created the material culture
and identity clearly anchored in the traditions of the
Eastern Celts.