Page 53 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 53
discovered on her chest. On her hands, positioned dama z vzhoda ■ the lady from the east 51
next to the body, there were fragments of a strong-
Slika 13. Risba groba številka 4 iz Srednice ly weathered iron bracelet, a massive bronze brace-
(po Lubšina Tušek, Kavur 2011). let with a thickening end and a bronze bracelet made
from twisted wire with a loop. The hollow, two-piece
Figure 13. Illustration of grave number 4 from Srednica metal ring, discovered along the right hip of the de-
(according to Lubšina Tušek, Kavur 2011). ceased, was probably part of or the main decoration of
a belt. Her foot position can be reconstructed based
on the location of the ribbed bronze ankle-rings, with-
in which preserved bone parts were found (Lubšina
Tušek, Kavur 2011). A fragment of a bent iron tube –
decorated with oblique lines, hammered dotted cir-
cles and most probably part of the collar – was also dis-
covered in the grave (Figure 15).
A massive bronze bracelet with a thickening end was
also discovered in the grave, representing the oldest
find of this kind in Slovenia (Figure 16). The largest
number of similar finds, with most of them slightly
younger and dating to Lt C1, were discovered in Slo-
venia at Kapiteljska njiva cemetery in Novo Mesto,
where they are known from grave numbers 199a, 402,
608, 656 and 681 (Križ 2006, 165, T. 59, 9; 198, T. 92, 4;
205, T. 99, 5; 2001, 117, No. 266, 140, No. 399; 150, No.
452; 153, No. 465). In the greater Alpine region, the dis-
coveries of massive bracelets with a thickening end are
known from grave numbers 57 (Penninger 1972, Taf.
64, 8) and 110 in Dürrnberg. The latter grave also con-
tained, among other finds, a sword of Hatvan-Boldog-
type and two bowls, comparable in form with bowls
from grave numbers 6 and 7, as well as a flask-shaped
vessel, comparable to a similar form from grave num-
next to the body, there were fragments of a strong-
Slika 13. Risba groba številka 4 iz Srednice ly weathered iron bracelet, a massive bronze brace-
(po Lubšina Tušek, Kavur 2011). let with a thickening end and a bronze bracelet made
from twisted wire with a loop. The hollow, two-piece
Figure 13. Illustration of grave number 4 from Srednica metal ring, discovered along the right hip of the de-
(according to Lubšina Tušek, Kavur 2011). ceased, was probably part of or the main decoration of
a belt. Her foot position can be reconstructed based
on the location of the ribbed bronze ankle-rings, with-
in which preserved bone parts were found (Lubšina
Tušek, Kavur 2011). A fragment of a bent iron tube –
decorated with oblique lines, hammered dotted cir-
cles and most probably part of the collar – was also dis-
covered in the grave (Figure 15).
A massive bronze bracelet with a thickening end was
also discovered in the grave, representing the oldest
find of this kind in Slovenia (Figure 16). The largest
number of similar finds, with most of them slightly
younger and dating to Lt C1, were discovered in Slo-
venia at Kapiteljska njiva cemetery in Novo Mesto,
where they are known from grave numbers 199a, 402,
608, 656 and 681 (Križ 2006, 165, T. 59, 9; 198, T. 92, 4;
205, T. 99, 5; 2001, 117, No. 266, 140, No. 399; 150, No.
452; 153, No. 465). In the greater Alpine region, the dis-
coveries of massive bracelets with a thickening end are
known from grave numbers 57 (Penninger 1972, Taf.
64, 8) and 110 in Dürrnberg. The latter grave also con-
tained, among other finds, a sword of Hatvan-Boldog-
type and two bowls, comparable in form with bowls
from grave numbers 6 and 7, as well as a flask-shaped
vessel, comparable to a similar form from grave num-