Page 91 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 91
The Sword Bearer

G Grob številka 9 je bil vkopan v robni del starej- 89
šeželeznodobne gomile številka 21, ki je bila
glede na premer obodnega jarka največja go- rave number 9 was dug into the edge of Ear-
ly Iron Age mound number 21, which was the
largest mound in the cemetery according to

mila na grobišču. Grobna jama je bila dolga 1 ter širo- the circumferential ditch’s diameter. The burial pit was

ka 0,75 metra ter orientirana od severa proti jugu (Slika 1-meter-long, 0.75-meters-wide and directed north-so-
32). Zapolnjena je bila s temno sivo-rjavim sedimen- uth (Figure 32). It was filled with dark gray-brown se-
tom, ki je vseboval številne majhne prodnike. Sežga- diment that contained numerous small pebbles. Cre-

ni ostanki pokojnika so skoraj popolnoma izginili, pri- mated remains of the deceased had almost entirely

datki pa se bili položeni v sredino jame. Železna fibula disappeared, while grave goods were placed in the mi-

in stekleničasta posoda sta bili položeni na dno v sredi- ddle of the pit. An iron fibula and ceramic flask were

ni jame, zraven se je nahajala obrnjena skleda, medtem placed on the bottom, beside an upside-turned bowl

ko so bili meč, nož in sulična konica položena v zahod- in the middle of the pit, while a sword, knife and spear

ni del jame. point were placed in the western part of the pit.

Keramične pridatke ponovne predstavlja standardna The ceramic grave goods present again the standard
kombinacija sklede ter posode za tekočino. Slednja, combination of a bowl and a container for liquids.
z okroglim trebuhom, ožjim vratom in izvihanim The latter, with a round belly, a narrow neck and an
ustjem (Slika 34), predstavlja obliko kateri lahko naj- everted mouth (Figure 34), presents a form which has
boljše primerjave najdemo na spodnjeavstrijskem gro- best comparisons to the one from the Lower Austri-
bišču Pottenbrunn, kjer kljub vsemu telesa »Kegel- an cemetery in Pottenbrunn, where such »Kegelhals-
halsgefäße« težijo k bolj bikoničnim oblikam (Ramsl gefaße« tend to have a little bit more byconical body
2002, 94–96 Abb. 106). Dobre primerjave nudijo po- (Ramsl 2002, 94-96 Abb. 106). Comparable flasks are
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