Page 96 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 96
stičišču svetov ■ on the crossroad of worlds 94 plastičnem slogu (Bujna 2003, 94, 48–51, Fig. 62). Ob- in many cases, particularly those decorated in Plastic
lika navoja in tetive, loka ter nazaj zavite noge kot tudi Style, the backward bent foot is attached to the bow
mere fibul ostajajo dolgo časa nespremenjene. Opa- with a decorated ending (Jacobstahl 1944, 197; Jacob-
zujoč generalne oblike pa vidimo, da začnejo fibule stahl 1944b, Pl. 166, 347; Szabó, Petres 1992, 150, 152, Pls.
z veliko kroglico na nogi prevladovati šele po upora- 32, 34). This is not a real clamp, but a thickened end-
bi zadnjih fibul tipa Duchcov. Poznamo jih s področ- ing with small lateral buttons decorated with a band
ja Slovaške, Karpatov, severne Madžarske ter Madžar- of several incised lines on its upper side and touching
ske ravnice vse do Transilvanije. V zadnjih letih pa je only the bow or leaning on it.
bilo odkritih še nekaj primerkov na področju sloven-
ske in avstrijske Štajerske. Na Madžarskem jih poz- Armament of the deceased, composed of a sword, a
namo na primer iz groba 52 z grobišča Vác-Gravel pit, spear and a knife, show a fairly traditional image (Fig-
kjer je bila odkrita prav tako v žganem grobu (Helleb- ure 34). The knife is of a somewhat unusual shape. Un-
randt 1999, 145 Pl. 43, 5) ter najdišča Magyarszerdahely, like most contemporary knives which have a more
kjer je bila objavljena skupaj s sulično ostjo podobno concave back and a longer handle ending with a
osti odkriti v grobu 9 ter skledo podobno skledi odkri- rounded or curved end, it has a short flat handle, on
ti v grobu 4 (Hunyady 1942, T. 14, 4, 8). Več primerov which two rivets fixing the bony handle are preserved
z bolj ovalno kroglico jih je bilo odkritih v grobovih (Figure 36). The spear point in a »classical shape«, or
petega horizonta na najdišču Ludas-Varjú-Dűlő, ki ga Type I as identified by André Rapin, is one of the most
avtorji datirajo v B2 (Szabó, Tankó 2006, 333 Fig. 5. 2, popular and long-lived forms of Celtic warrior weap-
3), še najbolj podobni fibuli pa izvirata iz ženskega ske- onry; in fact, they remained almost unchanged in use
letnega groba 3 z grobišča Orosfaia v Transilvaniji (Va- since the beginning to the end of the Late Iron Age
ida 2000, Fig. 7, 1, 2). (Brunaux, Rapin 1988, 120-122, 133) (Figure 36). It seems
that within this group of spear points having a short
Vendar pa pri opisu moramo biti pozorni na detajl, and broad leaf, they belong to a sub-group that existed
ki ga je izpostavil že R. Gebhard. Pokazal je, da so fi- in the 4th century BC and disappeared in the 2nd cen-
bule ob koncu zgodnjelatenskega obdobja po svo- tury BC. Spear points in this group vary from 30 to 50
ji obliki srednje latenske sheme ter imajo nazaj zavito centimeters in length (Todorović 1972, 17, 28-29). Al-
nogo pritjeno na lok (Gebhard 1989, 74–76, 118–127). most 30 centimeters in length, the spear point from
Pri tem je potrebno opozoriti, da je pri številnih pri- Srednica belongs amongst the shorter and more grac-
merih, predvsem tistih okrašenih v Plastičnem slogu, ile examples of its form. Ludvig Pauli presented the
nazaj zavita noga pritrjena na lok z okrašenim zaključ- chronology of long specimens in a review on grave
kom (Jacobstahl 1944a, 197; Jacobstahl 1944b, Pl. 166, finds from Central Europe, dating them to the period
lika navoja in tetive, loka ter nazaj zavite noge kot tudi Style, the backward bent foot is attached to the bow
mere fibul ostajajo dolgo časa nespremenjene. Opa- with a decorated ending (Jacobstahl 1944, 197; Jacob-
zujoč generalne oblike pa vidimo, da začnejo fibule stahl 1944b, Pl. 166, 347; Szabó, Petres 1992, 150, 152, Pls.
z veliko kroglico na nogi prevladovati šele po upora- 32, 34). This is not a real clamp, but a thickened end-
bi zadnjih fibul tipa Duchcov. Poznamo jih s področ- ing with small lateral buttons decorated with a band
ja Slovaške, Karpatov, severne Madžarske ter Madžar- of several incised lines on its upper side and touching
ske ravnice vse do Transilvanije. V zadnjih letih pa je only the bow or leaning on it.
bilo odkritih še nekaj primerkov na področju sloven-
ske in avstrijske Štajerske. Na Madžarskem jih poz- Armament of the deceased, composed of a sword, a
namo na primer iz groba 52 z grobišča Vác-Gravel pit, spear and a knife, show a fairly traditional image (Fig-
kjer je bila odkrita prav tako v žganem grobu (Helleb- ure 34). The knife is of a somewhat unusual shape. Un-
randt 1999, 145 Pl. 43, 5) ter najdišča Magyarszerdahely, like most contemporary knives which have a more
kjer je bila objavljena skupaj s sulično ostjo podobno concave back and a longer handle ending with a
osti odkriti v grobu 9 ter skledo podobno skledi odkri- rounded or curved end, it has a short flat handle, on
ti v grobu 4 (Hunyady 1942, T. 14, 4, 8). Več primerov which two rivets fixing the bony handle are preserved
z bolj ovalno kroglico jih je bilo odkritih v grobovih (Figure 36). The spear point in a »classical shape«, or
petega horizonta na najdišču Ludas-Varjú-Dűlő, ki ga Type I as identified by André Rapin, is one of the most
avtorji datirajo v B2 (Szabó, Tankó 2006, 333 Fig. 5. 2, popular and long-lived forms of Celtic warrior weap-
3), še najbolj podobni fibuli pa izvirata iz ženskega ske- onry; in fact, they remained almost unchanged in use
letnega groba 3 z grobišča Orosfaia v Transilvaniji (Va- since the beginning to the end of the Late Iron Age
ida 2000, Fig. 7, 1, 2). (Brunaux, Rapin 1988, 120-122, 133) (Figure 36). It seems
that within this group of spear points having a short
Vendar pa pri opisu moramo biti pozorni na detajl, and broad leaf, they belong to a sub-group that existed
ki ga je izpostavil že R. Gebhard. Pokazal je, da so fi- in the 4th century BC and disappeared in the 2nd cen-
bule ob koncu zgodnjelatenskega obdobja po svo- tury BC. Spear points in this group vary from 30 to 50
ji obliki srednje latenske sheme ter imajo nazaj zavito centimeters in length (Todorović 1972, 17, 28-29). Al-
nogo pritjeno na lok (Gebhard 1989, 74–76, 118–127). most 30 centimeters in length, the spear point from
Pri tem je potrebno opozoriti, da je pri številnih pri- Srednica belongs amongst the shorter and more grac-
merih, predvsem tistih okrašenih v Plastičnem slogu, ile examples of its form. Ludvig Pauli presented the
nazaj zavita noga pritrjena na lok z okrašenim zaključ- chronology of long specimens in a review on grave
kom (Jacobstahl 1944a, 197; Jacobstahl 1944b, Pl. 166, finds from Central Europe, dating them to the period