Page 28 - Poštuvan, Vita (ur.). 2020. Znanja, spretnosti in kompetence na področju duševnega zdravja. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem
P. 28
an Brulc

Zakon o kazenskem postopku (zkp). Uradni list Republike Slovenije, št. 32/12
– uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 47/13, 87/14, 8/16 – odl. u s, 64/16 – odl.
u s, 65/16 – odl. u s, 66/17 – or z k p 153,154 in 22/19.

Zakon o osnovni šoli (zo sn). Uradni list Republike Slovenije, 81/06 – uradno
prečiščeno besedilo, 102/07, 107/10, 87/11, 40/12 – zujf, 63/13 in 46/16
– z of vi-l.

Zakon o pacientovih pravicah (z p ac p). Uradni list Republike Slovenije, št.
15/08 in 55/17.

Zakon o pravdnem postopku (z p p). Uradni list Republike Slovenije, št. 73/07
– uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 45/08 – z a rbit, 45/08, 111/08 – odl. u s,
57/09 – odl. u s, 12/10 – odl. u s, 50/10 – odl. u s, 107/10 – odl. u s, 75/12
– odl. u s, 40/13 – odl. u s, 92/13 – odl. u s, 10/14 – odl. u s in 48/15 –
odl. u s.

Zakon o splošnem upravnem postopku (zup). Uradni list Republike Slovenije,
št. 24/06 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 105/06 – z u s-1, 126/07, 65/08,
8/10 in 82/13.

Zakon o varstvu osebnih podatkov (zvop-1). Uradni list Republike Slovenije,
št. 94/07 – u p b.

Zakono o zbirkah podatkov s področja zdravstvenega varstva (zzppz). Ura-
dni list Republike Slovenije, št. 65/00, 47/15 in 31/18.

Protection of Personal Data in the Work of a Psychologist
It is in nature of psychologist’s work that he has to deal with the data of
individuals, namely data on their properties, states, relationships and acts.
Since these data are usually related to an identified or identifiable natural
person, we are talking about personal data. These are subject to the pro-
tection of personal data as a special legal regime, regulated in various laws.
As for the field of psychology there are no special rules in Slovenia, general
rules on protection of personal data apply. One of the exceptions is clinical
psychology, which is partially subject of healthcare legislation. Regulation
on protection of personal data have a certain impact on the work of psychol-
ogist, which is primarily commited to professional secrecy. Although the
system of protection of personal data is relatively strict, it is not absolute
in the sense that personal data can not be disclosed to anyone. Along with
the general rules on non-disclosure and data security, there are some spe-
cial legal basis available for diclosure of personal data to third parties. On
the other hand, psychologists doesn’t have many legal basis for obtaining
personal information from third parties (external sources), except from the
individual. This paper covers some specially selected issues on acquisition,
retention and disclosure of personal data of individuals, with an emphasis
on individual’s rights.

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