Page 330 - Kavrečič, Petra. 2015. Turizem v Avstrijskem primorju. Založba Univerze na Primorskem, Koper.
P. 330
turizem v avstrijskem primorju
and attractiveness, which are in accordance with the new medical and fash-
ion trends became the place for this evolving industry. In the context of (eco-
nomic) history of tourism, there is a breakdown of types of tourist destina-
tions, developed within the period of modern tourism. On the discussion of
the area different typologies of tourism were present, namely thermal-bath
tourism, maritime tourism (ocean maritime-climate and winter-summer) and
cave tourism. The first two were associated with health standards and achieve-
ments in medicine in their initial stages, as it was also a form of tourism in the
Alps. Cave tourism that has developed in this area represents a specialty, due
to a fact that this form of tourism may have developed only in the karst region.
Cave tourism is considered to be the first developed in Slovenian territory.

The development of specific forms of thermal, maritime and cave tour-
ism, we examined on the basis of methodological approach of economic his-
tory, with the identification of economic and other factors that affect the
development of tourism of individual sites. The present study has been fo-
cused on the historical analysis of the development of tourism in the period
from the beginning of modern tourism to the start of the First World War.
Methodologically it centred on the research of the development of tourism by
checking the presence and influence of the expediting and stimulating fac-
tors. We analysed whether the factors of development of tourism by recog-
nized by the economic historians of tourism, such as medicine, new means of
transport, the investments of public and private sector and others were pres-
ent also on the territory of the Austrian littoral and were interlinked and how
they impact on the development of tourism of intertwined character related
sites (Opatija, Gradež, Portorož), and on the other hand their impact on the
different types of tourist sites.

Health spas

Modern tourism of the Austrian Littoral has in the area begun developing in-
tensively during the 19th century. Thermal tourism is, on the case of research of
spa of Sv. Štefan, like elsewhere in Europe, including in the Coastal area, ap-
peared as one of the first manifestations of modern tourism, although in quite
modest conditions than elsewhere in the monarchy or in Slovenian territory
(e.g. Karlovy Vary, Rogaška Slatina). The spas were practiced the treat of a dif-
fering diseases based on therapeutic effects which were prescript by the med-
icine profession and were attributed to the local sulfuric water. The analyses
were performed by doctors and testimonials about the positive outcomes of
treatments encouraged spa owners to investments into this business. However,

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