Page 335 - Kavrečič, Petra. 2015. Turizem v Avstrijskem primorju. Založba Univerze na Primorskem, Koper.
P. 335
veloping in tourism in the 19th century and its favourable traffic location was
indeed undoubtedly beneficiary for tourism. An important milestone in the
visiting has represented the construction of the Southern Railway in 1857, as
the cave or Postojna had been located right on its route. Travelling by train
has been financially more advantageous, shorter trips could afford even less
wealthy. Thus, in Postojna had travelled by train many locals and even work-
ers (from Trieste) even before World War (Studen, 2006, 30; Čeč, 2001, 49).
The train became a popular mean of transport (Pirkovič, 1987, 16), used main-
ly for excursions. For Postojna and its tourism the train has held a contribu-
tion, since it contributed to the increase in the number of visitors and also
acted as one of the major factors of development of tourism. After the con-
struction of the railway line and then initiation of so-called train for fun, the
number of visitors of the cave have been intensively increasing. Other phe-
nomena and factors such as the discovery of another part of the cave in 1818,
regulation of access to the cave, modernization (lighting, rails) and market-
ing has also affected the further successful touristic development of the site.

The impact of the construction of railway line is directly visible in the
case of Vilenica Cave, which has been before the industrialization one of the
most recognizable and visited caves in the Karst region. By shifting of the
road in the 18th and the construction of railways in the 19th century, which was
not set up past the towns in the direct vicinity of the cave, the (tourist) visit
decreased considerably and the cave is, as the author of the guide in Vilenica
and former secretary of the Italian Mountaineering Society of Boegan writes,
sank into oblivion (Boegan, 1897, 10). The fact that the place was not connect-
ed to the railway line, was although not the only reason for the decline of the
once most popular cave destination.
Print and promotion
In the Industrialization era the print was given a more important role and it
contributed to unification or standardization of language (Anderson, 1998,
66). The potential tourists in Opatija, Grado and Portorož were informed
about transport connections, steamships, train tariffs and timetables, which
arrived and stopped in resorts by using of advertising tools. The promotion of
tourist destinations with the use of print was in general a very present phenom-
enon, and Austrian Riviera seaside resorts are no exception. Active and effi-
cient promotion of tourist services contributed to the recognisability, that is
why in in the health spas mentioned, the leading people endeavoured for an
even larger promotion. They used different communication tools for this pur-
pose, and the expansion of print has made advertising much easier. Tourist re-

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