Page 44 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2015 2nd Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2015
P. 44

Unity3D is a very popular game development engine devel- Figure 3: Brighter yellow section, comes right after
oped and maintained by a company called Unity Technolo- mythical forrest.
gies. The engine is especially popular among indie game After this dark emotional part, we should begin to see the
developers, mainly because it is free, and the games or ap- light at the end of the forest, and as the journey evolves
plications made with Unity3D are easily ported on a number we should eventually reach the next, brighter scene (Figure
of different platforms – from Microsoft Windows, Android, 3). In this scene we should feel a bit happier and relaxed,
iOS to Playstation [1]. Its main intention is game design, therefore it is backed up with different style of music. Again
however Unity already proved as a good tool for various we are travelling through thick fog, this time in bright yellow
types of applications, e.g. urban studies [2] and virtual re- colour, and are surrounded by colourful islands. We added
ality [3]. In their application Wang et al. [3] used Unity flowers (Figure 4) and other motives that gave a warmer
to simulate a quite complex study environment – a whole feeling to the entire section. Last and final sector takes place
building complex in which students can study. As Unity mainly in a tube. This is a tube with animated textures of
proved as a good tool for simulating complex virtual real- black and white stripes that cause us to loose our sense of
ity environments we choose it as the tool for visualizing our speed and location. At the end of a long and twisted tube
much simpler environment. (Figure 5), we fall down the white cliff and stop right at the
bottom, on top of red spikes.

Our applications offers a unique travelling experience into
a different dimension. As our virtual word is in 3D we
used Blender to model the objects surrounding the inter-
dimension traveller (user of the application). Blender is a
free professional and open-source 3D computer graphics soft-
ware. All models used in the application were built from the
ground up. One of the most important pieces of software is
Android software development kit (SDK), which allowed us
to transfer game/animation from Unity3D software to An-
droid phones for testing and later on Google Play Store for
general use.

The main part of the VR application consists of three visu-
ally and emotionally very different scenes. Here we describe,
how we have designed the three parts (we discuss the selec-
tion of narrative elements, of colours, lights, of the speed of
camera travelling) to achieve the corresponding user experi-
ence for each of them.

Figure 2: First section in the main scene. Dark Figure 4: Flower hill, last part of the second sector.
mythical forrest, with thick fog and trees hovering
over the path. The whole space was designed from the ground up and it is
put together with dozen objects, crafted in Blender software.
First stage in the main scene was meant to be a mythical We of course incorporated more objects, that are duplicated
forest, a dark and lonely place, where we should feel a bit and just slightly altered for different visual effect. The fog
cramped. As we are travelling down the path we are sur- was added for the purpose of masking the sense of space
rounded with trees hovering over us (Figure 2). The whole and for not noticing empty background behind the last line
scene is filled with thick white fog and an occasional light of objects.
bulb levitating in the sky. To back up the unpleasant feel-
ing, we added a flock of crows flying over the scene, making 4. CONCLUSION

Virtual reality has come a long way in the last few years, but
there is still many ground to cover. Powerful pieces of hard-
ware are still not as accessible to general public and small

StuCoSReC Proceedings of the 2015 2nd Student Computer Science Research Conference 44
Ljubljana, Slovenia, 6 October
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