Page 32 - Rezoničnik, Lidija, in Marcello Potocco, ur., 2016. Družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah ▪︎ Social and political processes in modern slavic cultures, languages and literatures. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 32
žbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah 30 and it's idea in a political and cultural way. But, rests of totalitarian
ism and its intertwinement with a new period, period of capitalism
and consumerism are also seemed. Circle of history of an evil has
been continuing in a new, independent Ukrainian reallity. The nov
el presents individual and community in this modificated time and
space, it shows us consequences, we are observing nowdays. Con
sequences are realized in a society without values unitil yesterday,
in a society, which massively migrates in a neighbouring countries
because of a desire for better life, this is also a society without re
spect for Gypsies, society without care for art. Instead of afore
mentioned facts has been in a society maintainig insipidity, quickly,
unfairly money-making, bending the rules, lying etc. The novel will
be analysed in a light of stressed cues, which are also discussed in
a Andrukhovych's essays, Дезорієнтація на місцевості (1999) and
Тут похований Фантомас (2015). The article presents also self-ref
erentiality in a Andrukhovych's literature.
Dr. Janja Volmaier Lubej je doktorica znanosti s področja literarnih
ved (2013) in asistentka za predmetno področje slovenska knji
ževnost. V študijskem letu 2015/2016 je delovala kot predavatelji
ca slovenske književnosti s statusom prostovoljke na Univerzi Ivana
Franka v Lvovu. Poučevala je slovenščino na tujih univerzah (Som
botel, poletni semester 2014/2015; Lodž, 2009/2010, 2010/2011),
organizirala in vodila literarne večere s sodobnimi slovenskimi pi
satelji in pisateljicami. Udeležuje se mednarodnih znanstvenih in
strokovnih konferenc, piše strokovne in znanstvene prispevke ter
recenzije (Obdobja, Jezik in slovstvo, Slavia Centralis Philological Stu
dies, Visnik Lvivskogo Universitetu). Soavtorica učbenika S slovenšči
no po svetu (2013, Znanstvena založba FF Ljubljana), slovarja Ukra
jinsko-slovenski tematski slovar (2015, Znanstvena založba Univerze
v Lvovu) in prevoda Dvanajst krogov Jurija Andruhoviča (2016, Can
karjeva založba).
Janja Vollmaier Lubej has a PhD degree in Slovenian literature and is
teaching assistant.
In a school year 2015/2016 she had been lecturing as a volunteer
Slovenian literature at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,
Ukraine. She also was a teacher of Slovenian language at the foreign
universities (Sombotel, summer term 2014/2015; Lodz, 2009/2010,
2010/2011), she was conducting and organising cultural events with
contemporary Slovenian writers. She attends international scientif
ism and its intertwinement with a new period, period of capitalism
and consumerism are also seemed. Circle of history of an evil has
been continuing in a new, independent Ukrainian reallity. The nov
el presents individual and community in this modificated time and
space, it shows us consequences, we are observing nowdays. Con
sequences are realized in a society without values unitil yesterday,
in a society, which massively migrates in a neighbouring countries
because of a desire for better life, this is also a society without re
spect for Gypsies, society without care for art. Instead of afore
mentioned facts has been in a society maintainig insipidity, quickly,
unfairly money-making, bending the rules, lying etc. The novel will
be analysed in a light of stressed cues, which are also discussed in
a Andrukhovych's essays, Дезорієнтація на місцевості (1999) and
Тут похований Фантомас (2015). The article presents also self-ref
erentiality in a Andrukhovych's literature.
Dr. Janja Volmaier Lubej je doktorica znanosti s področja literarnih
ved (2013) in asistentka za predmetno področje slovenska knji
ževnost. V študijskem letu 2015/2016 je delovala kot predavatelji
ca slovenske književnosti s statusom prostovoljke na Univerzi Ivana
Franka v Lvovu. Poučevala je slovenščino na tujih univerzah (Som
botel, poletni semester 2014/2015; Lodž, 2009/2010, 2010/2011),
organizirala in vodila literarne večere s sodobnimi slovenskimi pi
satelji in pisateljicami. Udeležuje se mednarodnih znanstvenih in
strokovnih konferenc, piše strokovne in znanstvene prispevke ter
recenzije (Obdobja, Jezik in slovstvo, Slavia Centralis Philological Stu
dies, Visnik Lvivskogo Universitetu). Soavtorica učbenika S slovenšči
no po svetu (2013, Znanstvena založba FF Ljubljana), slovarja Ukra
jinsko-slovenski tematski slovar (2015, Znanstvena založba Univerze
v Lvovu) in prevoda Dvanajst krogov Jurija Andruhoviča (2016, Can
karjeva založba).
Janja Vollmaier Lubej has a PhD degree in Slovenian literature and is
teaching assistant.
In a school year 2015/2016 she had been lecturing as a volunteer
Slovenian literature at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv,
Ukraine. She also was a teacher of Slovenian language at the foreign
universities (Sombotel, summer term 2014/2015; Lodz, 2009/2010,
2010/2011), she was conducting and organising cultural events with
contemporary Slovenian writers. She attends international scientif