Page 54 - Rezoničnik, Lidija, in Marcello Potocco, ur., 2016. Družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah ▪︎ Social and political processes in modern slavic cultures, languages and literatures. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 54
žbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah 52 The Balkan Somewhere in Between

A gate between the West and the East, a border between civilized
Europe and the Orient, geographic space between mountains... In
the aspiration to reconcile the conflicts and the spirits of the Balkan
powder keg, this determinant between always obtained its new im­
portance for definition of the Balkan.
Twenty seven years after the fall of communism and the disintegra­
tion of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, the countries that
did not become a part of the European Union, are still somewhere
between, and often they are fertile land where different –isms grow
(totalitarianisms, anarchisms, nationalisms).
The bloody fratricidal wars and the long transition period in the
countries of former SFRY contributed to the fostering of cultur­
al differences instead of cultural diversity. In their desire to unite
around one ethnicity, one religion and one nation, the Balkan na­
tions became victims of idealized stories about the uniqueness and
the superiority of their own nation and their mythological and an­
cient origin.
Despite of their common cultural memory, hatred, stereotypes
and prejudices were born, and the Balkan became space of incom­
prehension and disrespect for the Other. Seeking a way out, the
Balkan post-communist countries have always calculated with the
space between, sometimes ingratiating with America, and some­
times with Russia or Europe. If the fall of the Berlin Wall was an
initial fuse for demolition of the communist regimes, what can be
brought today by Brexit, the migrant crisis, the protests that take
place in part of the former Yugoslav countries...?! Does this society
lack human component, civil concept of management, does a great­
er feeling of empathy lack in people?
Марина Цветаноска
Работно искуство:
- (од 01.10.2015-во тек) Лектор по македонски јазик при
Истанбулскиот Универзитет, Република Турција.
- (од 2010-2015) Професор по македонски јазик и литература,
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