Page 225 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2017. Glasbene migracije: stičišče evropske glasbene raznolikosti - Musical Migrations: Crossroads of European Musical Diversity. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 1
P. 225
Davorin Jenko between Slovenian
and Serbian Music
Case study on the Slavonic Music Ideas
Migration at the turn of the 20th century

Katarina Tomašević
Srbska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Beograd
Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade

Davorin Jenko (1835–1914) in Scholarly Research
and Cultural Remembrance
Some might estimate that my decision to write a paper on the renowned
composer and conductor Davorin Jenko (1835–1914), from the point of view
of musical migrations as the main topic of the Symposium, held in Ljublja-
na, may be hasty, or, at best – a brave decision. It is well known that Ljublja-
na and Slovenia are considered a kind of epicentre for studying Jenko’s life
and creative work: after the fundamental research and monographs by the
doyen of Slovenian musicology Dragotin Cvetko,1 valuable contributions in
recent times have been achieved in works by colleagues Nataša Cigoj-Krstu-
lović, Gregor Jenuš and Franc Križnar, Henrik Neubauer, Jernej Weiss – to
mention just a few of the most notable results. 2

1 See Dragotin Cvetko, Davorin Jenko i njegovo doba (Beograd: SAN, 1952) [Cir.];
Idem, Davorin Jenko – Doba – Življenje – Delo (Ljubljana: Slovenski izdavački zavod,
1955); Idem, Davorin Jenko (Ljubljana: Partizanska knjiga, 1980).

2 Nataša Cigoj Krstulović, “Davorin Jenko in Glasbena matica: prispevek k zgodovi-
ni recepcije,” in Davorin Jenko: (1835–1914), Gregor Jenuš and Franc Križnar, eds.
(Ljubljana: Arhiv Republike Slovenije, 2015), 74–95; Gregor Jenuš and Franc Križ-
nar, eds., Davorin Jenko: (1835–1914); Franc Križnar, “Življenje in delo Davorina Jen-
ka,” in Ibid., 7–21; Henrik Neubauer, Davorin Jenko in njegova glasba za gledališče
(Ljubljana: samozal., 2014); Jernej Weiss, “Forward! – The First Slovenian National
Anthem,” in Davorin Jenko (1835–1914). Prilozi za kulturu sećanja [Davorin Jenko
(1835–1914). Prispevki za kulturo spomina], Katarina Tomašević, ed. (Beograd : Mu-
zikološki institut SANU – Nacionalni savet slovenačke manjine u RS, forthcoming
2016), 27–38.

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