Page 204 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 204
In Pursuit of Eco-innovation

be considered a strong indication of the eco-innovation constructs’ mul-

Eco-innovation outcomes
In this section, we present the analyses for constructs, which in the fol-
lowing sections will be tested in relation to eco-innovations as their con-
sequences. As in the previous sections, we will present the descriptive sta-
tistics and check for the normality of distribution of various constructs.
Exploratory factor analysis conducted in SPSS will follow, and the sec-
tion will conclude with confirmatory factor analysis for each construct.
We will focus on the following consequences of eco-innovation: compet-
itive benefits (Section 7.4.1), economic benefits (Section 7.4.2), compa-
ny performance (Section 7.4.3) and internationalization (Section 7.4.4).
Competitive benefits
Results (see Table 60) show which competitive benefits most analyzed
companies reported as consequences of eco-innovation implementation.
We asked respondents to indicate the extent to which the company’s envi-
ronmental practices have led to any of the listed competitive benefits (on
a seven-point Likert scale: 1 = no contribution to 7 = very large contri-
bution). We can see that, overall, improved company reputation or good-
will is reported most frequently (mean value 4.78 on a seven-point Likert
scale) as a competitive benefit of eco-innovation implementation. Mean-
while, improved product innovations (M = 3.59) seem to be the least fre-
quently reported benefit.

Table 60: Descriptive statistics for Competitive benefits

N Mean St. Dev. Skew St. Err. Kurt St. Err.
4.03 1.801 -0.120 Skew -0.938 Kurt
Reduction in material costs 223 3.97 1.772 -0.104 0.163 -0.925 0.324
223 0.163 0.324
Reduction in process/pro- 223 3.73 1.750 -0.065 -1.019
duction costs 223 0.163 0.324
223 3.77 1.745 -0.053 -0.950
Reduction in costs of regula- 3.79 1.728 -0.053 0.163 -0.954 0.324
tory compliance 0.163 0.324

Increased process/produc-
tion efficiency

Increased productivity
   199   200   201   202   203   204   205   206   207   208   209