Page 246 - Hojnik, Jana. 2017. In Persuit of Eco-innovation. Drivers and Consequences of Eco-innovation at Firm Level. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 246
Pursuit of Eco-innovation

Measurement items Complete- p Composite AVE Cronbach’s alpha
ly standard- reliability (for construct Growth is
ized load-
given correlation)

Economic benefits (ECB)

18a Sales. 0.89

18b Market share. 0.95 *

18c New market oppor- 0.91 * 0.935 0.78 0.930

18f Employee satisfaction. 0.79 *

Company performance – growth (GR)

Number of employees - 0.57

growth through 2 busi- n.a. n.a. 0.249**

246 ness years

Net sales - growth through 0.43 *
2 business years

Company performance – profitability (PF)

ROA 0.95 0.681
ROE 0.74 * 0.804 0.59
ROS 0.56 *

Internationalization (INT)

Number of foreign coun-

tries where company cur- 0.99
rently sells its products/


Share of sales on foreign 0.889 0.73 0.875
markets in 2013
0.86 *

Total number of operation 0.69 *

Note: * p-values are significant at 0.05 level; ** correlation between two items pertaining to
the construct company growth is significant at the 0.01 level; n.a. = not applicable, because
the construct company growth is composed of only two items.

From Table 84, we can see that all factor loadings are greater than 0.50
and that the p-values are significant at 0.05 level, except for the item per-
taining to the construct company growth (“Net sales – growth through
2 business years”); therefore, the convergent validity is ensured (Fornell
and Larcker 1981). In addition, the composite reliability of all constructs
(except for the construct company growth) is greater than 0.70, indicat-
ing acceptable reliability (Hair et al. 2009). Additionally, the square root
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