Page 123 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 123
pter 6
Nature-based tourism in the eastern part
of Kraški Rob: an overview of current
situation and future prospects

Romina Rodela, Valentina Brečko Grubar

In this chapter, recent literature on nature-based tourism is dis-
cussed in terms of its potential in the eastern part of Kraški Rob,
in terms of characteristics and natural features of touristic inter-
est. Kraški Rob is a geomorphological structural stage north of
Slovenian Istria. It is an area of high ecological interest and parts
of it have been declared Natura 2000 sites. It is rural, sparsely in-
habited, and characterised by aging and declining population
trends. In recent years it has begun to attract a growing number of
hikers and other visitors, but still remains at the fringe in terms of
regional development. Data collected from three villages—Zazid,
Rakitovec, and Podpeč—is reported and an adapted version of the
two-dimensional model suggested by Fredman et al. (naturalness
and accessibility) has been applied to the analysis. Additionally,
three features that stand out most for each of the selected villages
have been identified and summarised.
Key words: nature-based tourism, leisure, sustainability, accessi-
bility, naturalness, Kraški Rob, Slovenia

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