Page 158 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 158
challenges of tourism development in protected areas of croatia and slovenia

(Vesenjak, 2010). The buildings’ owners had to co-finance individual elec-
tric connections to their holiday homes.

A potable water supply was obtained by most of the houses’ owners by
constructing reservoirs for harvesting rainwater, either on the roof or be-
side their holiday huts, while quality drinking water is supplied by various
convenient water filtration systems. Some houses are supplied with drink-
ing water from the rainwater reservoir that was constructed in the period of
Italian occupation, found at the edge of the clearing (Fig. 1); the owners of
the holiday cabins maintain the reservoir without aid from the Municipality.
The disposal of waste water is managed through the use of septic tanks. On
the basis of the facilities’ age and the general assessment of the condition of
septic tanks in Slovenia (Tavčar, 2015), we can infer that most septic tanks
are still flow-through systems, which can be problematic for the fragile un-
derground waterways that are characteristic for karst landscapes.

There is no land-line telephone network, but mobile telephone service
is available. During the heating season, which tends to be very long, most
of the holiday houses use wood heating, while some also use fuel oil or elec-
tricity for heating. During special weather conditions, solid fuel heating
can cause the air pollution in the area of Sviščaki, especially in the clear-
ing where there is occasionally a minor temperature inversion in the shal-
low doline. The negative impact of air pollution is somewhat mitigated by
the holiday houses’ location in the forest.

Waste collection is organised in the car park on the weastern side of
Sviščaki, where waste is collected separately in large containers in the man-
ner that is uniformly prescribed for the whole region of the Municipality of
Ilirska Bistrica (Fig. 3). Strong winds or wild animals will often scatter trash
from the containers if they are not properly closed.

Spatial analysis of the holiday dwellings in Sviščaki

In this research, we analysed data on the buildings of the Sviščaki set-
tlement. As mentioned in the introduction, the data were obtained from
the Real Estate Registry of the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the
Republic of Slovenia, which has proved to be a useful source of informa-
tion for geographical research (for example, Komac et al., 2012; Koderman
and Salmič, 2013; Salmič and Koderman, 2013; Koderman, 2014; 2017;
Koderman and Pavlič, 2019). In order to acquire additional information re-
garding individual buildings, and numbers on the parcels and proprietor-
ship, we also consulted the Public Insight into Real Estate website, which

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