Page 159 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 159
development of tourism and second homes in the area of sviščaki ...

Fig. 3 The waste collection area in Sviščaki
Photo by Gregor Kovačič, 2019
is also managed by the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic
of Slovenia.

From the dataset of cadastral municipality 2508, Snežnik, we elimi-
nated all the units which were not located in the area of Veliki and Mali
Sviščaki (those with parcel numbers 2049/30, 2049/32, 2055/19, 2055/21,
2058/2, and 2067/14), in the first phase of research. Out of the total of 162
units in the cadastral municipality, we identified 100 buildings as the sub-
jects of further analysis. In the second stage, we eliminated 4 more build-
ings that were not holiday dwellings: the mountain hut; two commercial
establishments recorded as garages in the Real Estate Registry; and the
transformer station.

The subject of the detailed spatial analysis was now narrowed to 96 au-
tonomous buildings, i.e. holiday houses. Many of these have accompany-
ing woodsheds, terraces, drainage water reservoirs, improvised car parks,
as well as proper access roads. The mountain hut and 12 holiday houses
have house numbers, while none of the accompanying facilities are regis-

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