Page 162 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 162
challenges of tourism development in protected areas of croatia and slovenia

buildings with an average floor area of 43 m2 were built in the area of Veliki
and Mali Sviščaki during this period. In the 1990s, the intensity of con-
struction somewhat dropped, as only 22 new buildings were built, followed
by another 10 in the first decade of the 21st century (the most recent was
constructed in 2005). The average floor area of the buildings constructed
in the 1990s is 55.5 m2, while the average floor area of those constructed af-
ter the year 2000 is a mere 33 m2. We only identified three buildings with a
floor area of less than 20 m2 (the smallest buildings measured only 15 or 14.5
m2), while the floor area of eight buildings exceeded 90 m2 (the two largest
had 111 and 120 m2 of the floor area). The floor area of holiday dwellings is
shown in Fig. 6.

What should be added to the data on the buildings’ average floor area
is the fact that both the Real Estate Registry as well as the Public Insight
into Real Estate website revealed that most holiday buildings (57 out of 96
buildings—there was no information on 9 buildings) have at least two or

Fig. 6 The size of the holiday dwellings in Sviščaki in relation to their floor area in 2019
Source: Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia, 2019

   157   158   159   160   161   162   163   164   165   166   167