Page 188 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 188
challenges of tourism development in protected areas of croatia and slovenia

Despite its status as a protected area, ŠZNR also acts as a city park for
the residents of Koper and an educational playground for young people.
Among weaknesses, we should mention the inability to control the num-
ber of visitors, which often exceeds optimal capacity. In addition, the lack
of skilled personnel is also a disadvantage (Tab. 2).

Tab. 2 Identified strengths and weaknesses of the current state of Škocjanski zatok Nature
Reserve after the construction of new facilities

Strengths Weaknesses
inability to control the number of visitors and
preservation of a protected area in the middle no direct contact with the majority of them
of an urban area contributes to better quality of
life for the local people too many visitors in relation to optimal capacity
opportunity to explore, experience and learn in
nature (quiet tourism) pollution (noise, waste, vandalism, air pollu-
the reserve is becoming a new destination of tion)
quickly developing nature-based tourism (at-
tracting responsible visitors and helping to ex- deficiency of the marketing and promotion
tend the region’s tourist season) strategy
accessible for people with special needs (disa-
bled, blind, deaf) visitor programmes are weather dependent
situated on the Slovenian coast, it’s also an in-
valuable asset in the promotion of other sights shortage of personnel for carrying out educa-
in the area tional activities and working with visitors
flexibility in preparation of various pro- possible conflicts of interest with the local com-
grammes and organisation of visits munity regarding development plans
still not enough contact with local deci-
sion-makers and businesses

Source: DOPPS, 2015

The income derived from visitors represents approximately 10% of the
total ŠZNR management budget. Services (guided tours, workshops, horse
riding, hall rentals, lectures, etc.) represent the largest share (almost 50%)
of the total income from visitors. The income from the bar has increased,
while the amount of income from purchases in the gift shop has decreased
(DOPPS, 2019) (Fig. 8).

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