Page 189 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 189
škocjanski zatok nature reserve: a case study ...

Fig. 8 Income derived from visitors of Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve in the period
of 2016 to 2018
Souce: DOPPS, 2019


Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve, once a degraded area, has improved much
in terms of biodiversity and now represents a model for successful restora-
tion, due to the successful civil initiative for protected status. Additionally,
ŠZNR has regained much of its past biodiversity or even improved from the
aspect of certain Natura 2000 habitat types (Ivajnšič and Kaligarič, 2014).
Due to its location and infrastructure, ŠZNR also represents an ideal area
for the development of environmentally-oriented tourism (Fig. 9). Tourists
and visitors in protected areas are mostly oriented toward observing and
experiencing nature, and they usually don’t make demands on the environ-
ment or harm the local flora and fauna (Lipej and Kerma, 2017).

The number of visitors after 2016 shows that Škocjanski zatok has al-
ready become a tourist attraction for all kinds of visitors, not just research-
ers and locals. In order to preserve the exceptional nature and biodiversi-
ty of the reserve appropriate promotion and marketing strategy as well as
visitor programmes that will ensure sustainability of the area and success-
ful development of different forms of sustainable and responsible tourism
should be arranged. The nature reserve and its countryside offer great pos-
sibilities for development of nature-based tourism in general. Outdoor ac-

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