Page 224 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 224
challenges of tourism development in protected areas of croatia and slovenia

Fig. 3 The lifecycle of Plitvice Lakes National Park as a tourism destination and its
management phases
Source: according to Marković Vukadin and Franjković, 2019, adapted by author
age, promotion of awareness of the importance of nature and cultural her-
itage preservation, preserving the pristine nature and other attractions of
the Park, and strengthening the local community. A number of specific
developmental goals were determined based on these fundamental goals,
from which the final action plan was determined. The specific goals for bi-
odiversity preservation and the development of tourism are of particular
1. the goal of managing the forests of Plitvice Lakes National Park

is to ensure the natural state of the forest ecosystem, which are of
crucial importance for biodiversity and the preservation of the
fundamental phenomenon, and to ensure all generally-useful
functions of the forest;
2. preservation of positive trends of the development of tufa forma-
tions of the river community and tufa conditions on tufa barriers,
and ensuring the preservation of all plant and animal communi-
ties in the aquatic ecosystem (source, standing, and flowing wa-
ters) in order to preserve biodiversity and the ecological balance;
3. preservation of grasslands (dry pastures and meadows, wet pas-
tures and meadows, and marshes) as areas of great biodiversity
and value to the landscape;

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