Page 225 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 225
the interrelation between development, management, and management issues ...

4. systematic research, preservation, and presentation of cultural
heritage and preservation of the entire rural area and traditional
production methods (agriculture, herding, trades and crafts);

5. gathering of sufficient data regarding all elements of the protect-
ed area (biotopes and species as well as other elements that do not
belong to the domain of natural sciences research but are impor-
tant for the purposes of management, e.g. cultural heritage, etc.)
in order to better and more easily manage the area of the National

6. enabling visitors to have a quality visit, with a high level of organ-
isation and a minimal possibility of damaging the ecological sys-
tem of Plitvice Lakes;

7. understanding of the value of Plitvice Lakes as a natural phenom-
enon on the part of all employees, the local population, and visi-
tors, while enabling a high level of enjoyment of the natural area
and quality services;

8. improving the quality of accommodation and services in the area
of Plitvice Lakes National Park, while respecting the highest eco-
logical criteria along with maximising use of local and regional
resources according to the relevant spatial plan;

9. improving the image of Plitvice Lakes National Park and the lev-
el of general knowledge regarding its natural and cultural value;

10. regulation of traffic in accordance with the fundamental purpose
of Plitvice Lakes National Park and the needs of stakeholders;

11. development of infrastructure that has a minimal effect on the

12. establishment of cooperation with the local population in order
to achieve the vision of Plitvice Lakes National Park;

13. resolution of legal-property issues within Plitvice Lakes National
Park with special attention given to co-ownership relations for
the duration of the current plan; and

14. improvement of the legal framework for the effective manage-
ment of Plitvice Lakes National Park.
With the expiration of the prior plan came the obligation to create a

new management plan for the Park for the period of 2019 to 2028, howev-
er, this plan has yet to be accepted and is still in its final draft form (that is
available for public discussion) at the time of writing. In terms of its con-
tents, the new plan is in keeping with documentation from 2018 (Ministry

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