Page 227 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 227
the interrelation between development, management, and management issues ...

tainable usage is an opportunity that preservation of a world her-
itage site offers. Subthemes: revitalisation of agricultural produc-
tion; development; and harmonisation of the ecotourism supply.
E. The competent Public Institution will apply all needed legal, organ-
isational, human, and material capabilities, resources, and power
in order to manage the Park and continually work toward its im-
provement in all segments of management and organisational cul-
ture, strengthening cooperation with stakeholders and the role of
the Park’s management in Croatian and international professional
and scientific circles. Subthemes: ensuring the legal and planning
framework needed for proper management; development of insti-
tutional and human potential and competence; and management
of property and infrastructure.
Effectiveness of the aforementioned goals and themes from both the
former and proposed plans will be analysed in sections below, with respect
to their focus on the basic problems faced by the Park and how to solve

Management problems that have been identified

In order to establish the state of the environment, area, and community, a
wide selection of scientific literature from various scientific fields was an-
alysed with the goal of establishing the key problems faced by the Park. A
large number of problematic areas were identified via preliminary synthe-
sis of secondary sources, however, only the themes listed below were select-
ed due to the need for rapid reaction and resolution.

Functional overburdening
The number of visitors exceeds the number of local residents of the area.
This can cause social pressures on the community that, with regard to its
weak demographic potential, is not large enough to ensure a steady tour-
ism supply without daily commuters and a constant flow of newcomers. In
terms of employment, the number of workers who live in other regions and
commute to work in the Park4 or in corresponding tourism objects is in-
creasing. This creates a situation where the community is, apart from the
large number of tourist visits and itinerant workers, suffering increasing

4 Of employees of the Public Institution of the Park in 2013, 7% commuted from other
regions (Marković, 2015).

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