Page 262 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 262
challenges of tourism development in protected areas of croatia and slovenia

of content, as the areas in question are quite different in their characteris-
tics, which allows us to address various issues that are relevant in connec-
tion with protected areas. Another chapter deals with the impact of acces-
sibility on tourist flows in Croatian protected areas, and a similar chapter
is intended to address the issue of spatial planning of tourism in protected
areas in Slovenia. The concluding chapter offers a synthesis of findings and
reflections on protected area management.

Due to the contextual design of the monograph, the latter is expect-
ed to find a wide range of readers. The contents discussed are of interest to
both researchers and students from different professional fields (especially
geography and tourism studies), as well as all those involved in the devel-
opment of tourism and nature protection in different contexts and at dif-
ferent spatial levels. Tourism development policies have paid considerable
attention to sustainable development and protection of the environment
and nature recently, and a comparative analysis of these concepts further
increases the relevance of the monograph. Tourism development can also
have negative effects on the protective function of protected areas, there-
fore a detailed examination of related issues, addressed in the monograph,
is needed in order to gain a better knowledge and understanding about this

The monograph offers an in-depth insight into the issues of tourism
in protected areas in both countries. Although various authors from dif-
ferent research fields participated in the preparation of the monograph, it
nevertheless works as a whole, as the contents of individual chapters com-
plement each other and successfully discuss the issues from several angles.
The specific quality of the monograph is also reflected in transcending na-
tional boundaries, and such a transnational perspective also helps to place
the presented cases in the broader context of tourism development in pro-
tected areas.

Dejan Cigale, PhD
Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts,
Department of Geography Ljubljana, Slovenia

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