Page 263 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 263

Review 2

The scientific book Challenges of Tourism Development in Protected Areas
of Croatia and Slovenia consists of 11 chapters in the form of individual sci-
entific papers with a total of 14 authors from Croatia and Slovenia. The first
and last chapter of the book represent a kind of introduction and conclu-
sion of the book and relate to the protected areas in both countries, while
the remaining nine chapters relate to particular countries or specific local-
ities in them. The introductory chapter gives an overview of the protected
areas in Croatia and Slovenia and the differences in the ways they are pro-
tected, while the concluding chapter, with a synthesis of the findings from
the previous chapters, offers possible solutions for the future, based on the
exchange of experiences and best practices from both countries.

Among the nine country-specific chapters, one paper is focused on
the issue of transport accessibility as a factor of tourism flow in protect-
ed areas in Croatian national and nature parks, and one paper is focused
primarily on spatial planning issues and tourism development in protect-
ed nature areas in Slovenia using the protected area of the Škocjan Caves
as a case study. Of the remaining seven papers, one relates to four protect-
ed areas in the Slovenian coastal area (Landscape Parks Sečovlje Saltpans,
Strunjan and Debeli rtič and the Škocjanski zatok Nature Reserve) and six
to particular protected areas: Krka, Mljet and Plitvice Lakes National park
in Croatia and protected areas of the Kraški Rob, Sviščaki and Škocjanski
zatok in Slovenia. Besides describing the situation in particular area, each
of the papers focuses on specific aspects of nature protection: tourism de-
velopment, climate change, consequences of protection on demographic
trends and economic development, second homes and issues of protected
area management.

Therefore, this scientific book is a good example of a comprehensive
analysis of how protected areas are managed in different countries and
the analysis of various aspects of the impact of tourism on nature protec-
tion and vice versa. Of particular value to this book is a fact that it in-
cludes works from two neighboring countries, which, with many similari-
ties, have many differences in the nature protection issues. Apart from the
exchange of experience, this is also important in order to propose effective
management tools in protected areas in both countries, especially in neigh-
bouring areas near the state border between Croatia and Slovenia. This is
especially important today, when protected areas are exposed to increas-
ing tourism pressure with the dangerous consequences for the protection

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