Page 266 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 266
monograph offers an in-depth insight into the issues of tourism
in protected areas in both countries. Although various authors from
different research fields participated in the preparation of the monograph,
it nevertheless works as a whole, as the contents of individual chapters
complement each other and successfully discuss the issues from several
angles. The specific quality of the monograph is also reflected in
transcending national boundaries, and such a transnational perspective
also helps to place the presented cases in the broader context of tourism
development in protected areas.

Dejan Cigale, PhD, Assistant Professor
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Geography
Ljubljana, Slovenia

This scientific book is a good example of a comprehensive analysis of how
protected areas are managed in different countries and the analysis of
various aspects of the impact of tourism on nature protection and vice
versa. Of particular value to this book is a fact that it includes works from
two neighbouring countries, which, with many similarities, have many
differences in the nature protection issues. Apart from the exchange of
experience, this is also important in order to propose effective management
tools in protected areas in both countries, especially in neighbouring areas
near the state border between Croatia and Slovenia. This is especially
important today, when protected areas are exposed to increasing tourism
pressure with the dangerous consequences for the protection of ecosystems
in both countries and the entire European Union to which Croatia and
Slovenia belong.

Zoran Klarić, PhD, Scientific Advisor
Institute for Tourism
Zagreb, Croatia

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