Page 37 - Koderman, Miha, and Vuk Tvrtko Opačić. Eds. 2020. Challenges of tourism development in protected areas of Croatia and Slovenia. Koper, Zagreb: University of Primorska Press, Croatian Geographical Society
P. 37
transport accessibility as a factor of tourist flow ...

tors of transport accessibility. In this sense, a leading tourist centre in the
coastal area means a local self-government unit (city/municipality) with at
least 1,000,000 overnight stays a year or in continental part of Croatia with
at least 100,000 overnight stays a year in 2018 (Croatian Bureau of Statistics,

After determining assessment indicators for transport accessibility
of protected areas, each were scored on a point scale (Tab. 1). The scor-
ing of transport accessibility indicators of protected areas in the context of
tourist flow is related to similar methodological approaches in geograph-
ic research. Fyhri and Hjorthol (2009), for example, assessed the impact of
various indicators on mobility of social groups, while Casas et al. (2009) as-
sessed transport-based social exclusion on the availability of living oppor-
tunities. Also, D’Haese et al. (2011) used the assessment method to deter-
mine the impact of distance and environmental criteria to active travel. The
main advantages of this methodological approach are spatial and topic ap-
plicability, while the main disadvantage is that there can be subjectivity in
creating indicators and scoring.

Tab. 1 Indicators for assessing transport accessibility of protected areas and their scoring

Indicator Indicator scoring
(number of points)

Public transport connectivity of the protected area 0 = no connection
1 = connection

Public transport frequency 1 = 1-2 daily departures
Road connectivity of the protected area 2 = 3-5 daily departures
Temporal distance from the protected area to nearby city/town 3 = 6 or more daily departures
Temporal distance from the protected area to leading tourist 1 = local road (L)
centres 2 = county road (Ž)
3 = state road (D)
4 = motorway (A)
1 = more than 60 minutes
2 = 46–60 minutes
3 = 31–45 minutes
4 = 16–30 minutes
5 = up to 15 minutes
1 = more than 60 minutes
2 = 46–60 minutes
3 = 31–45 minutes
4 = 16–30 minutes
5 = up to 15 minutes

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