Page 434 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2020. Konservatoriji: profesionalizacija in specializacija glasbenega dela ▪︎ The conservatories: professionalisation and specialisation of musical activity. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 4
P. 434
konservator iji: profesionalizacija in specializacija glasbenega dela

und forderte unter ausführlicher Darlegung des eigenen Vermögens einen
staatlichen Zuschuss für das eigene Haus. Wie sich dies auf Musikausbil-
dung und Musikauffassung ausgewirkt hat, ist Thema des Vortrags.
Schlüsselwörter: Kunstreligion der Moderne, heilige Nüchternheit, Nation-
alsozialismus, Totalitarismus, Deutsche Musik

Wolfgang Marx
Irish Conservatories during the Inter-War Period
There are three conservatories in Ireland: the Royal Irish Academy of Music
(RIAM), the Conservatory of Music and Drama (both in Dublin) and the
Cork School of Music. All of them were founded in the nineteenth century.
This essay focuses on the history of these institutions during the period be-
tween the world wars (which were historically less relevant in Ireland than
the Easter Rising in 1916 and the establishment of the Irish Free State in
1922). To this day all three conservatories do not just operate at tertiary level
but are also heavily involved in the provison and examination of lower-lev-
el music education. The Local Centre Examination System which operates
country-wide was established in 1892 and is run by the RIAM. In the ear-
ly years of the Irish Free State the conservatories had to re-establish their
funding base as most politicians had little interest in supporting the devel-
opment of art music in particular. The Vocational Education Act from 1930
played an important part in easing the conservatories’ plight as it created
options to offer additional qualifications to certain groups already active
in the music sector. All three institutions experienced continuous growth
while struggling with financial problems as well as lack of space.
Keywords: Conservatories in Ireland, Royal Irish Academy of Music, Cork
School of Music, Dublin Conservatory of Music and Drama, conservatories
between the world wars

Ivana Medić
Beginnings of the Piano Department at the Belgrade Music
By establishing the Belgrade Music Academy in 1937, music education at the
tertiary level finally began in Serbia (then within the Kingdom of Yugosla-
via). I explore the beginnings of the Piano Department, from its founda-
tion in 1937, to the end of World War II in 1945. After an introduction out-
lining the events that led to the establishment of the Academy. I focus on
the selection of teaching staff, the number of teachers engaged in the piano

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