Page 43 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(1) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
P. 43
ia universitatisGuidelines that underline the inscription to prestigious
designations emphasised the protection of unique un- ut/THE%20PROMISE%20OF%20
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tunities for active participation of local communities in
work and development of location and areas beyond its
borders. It is erroneously to assume that only a label by
itself delivered in a form of designation will be a source
of economic benefit derived from tourism.
Tourism in protected areas is presents benefits in educa-
tion about protection of natural, cultural heritage and
sustainable development that enables economic benefit
for local community. Managers of protected areas are
faced with a challenge of keeping the balance between
visitors’ demands, quality performance of the visit and
at the same time protection of the environment and cul-
tural heritage objects.
With the aim of performing quality and adaptive man-
agement of protected area, the subjects of everyday
work deal with monitoring, education, interpretation,
public awareness and participation of local communi-
ties, as stated also in management plan of the park.
When people are aware of their roots, the presenta-
tion of this heritage becomes and important work for
conservation of their heritage, local knowledge and
strengthening of identity.
Together with local communities, in working actions,
educations and activities of committees of UNESCO
Karst Biosphere Reserve, we look for new opportuni-
ties for encouraging the sustainable tourism. Its devel-
opment is based on local possibilities of natural, cultur-
al resources, world known features and ourselves in our
homes as a part of them.


Odlok o Programu varstva in razvoja Par-
ka Škocjanske jame za obdobje 2013–2017
(Uradni list RS, št. 11/14).

Zakon o regijskem parku Škocjanske jame (Ura-
dni list RS, št. 57/96 in 46/14 – ZON-C).

Lockwood, Michael, Graeme L. Worboys,
Ashish Kothart, ˝Managing Protected are-
as: A global guide, Tourism and recreation
(2006), 495–527, 802 s.

The Promise of Sydney Vision, IUCN World
Parks Congress Sydney 2014 http://www.
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