Page 18 - Studia Universitatis Hereditati, vol. 3(2) (2015). Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press.
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in the northern Adriatic are by far the best exploredstudia universitatis her editati, letnik 3 (2015), številk a 2 18Begović, Vlasta, and Ivančica Schrunk.
among the Roman villas of east Adriatic coast; many »Rimske vile Istre i Dalmacije: I dio: Pre-
feature a partially defined planimetry.hereditati gled lokaliteta.« Prilozi Instituta za arheo-
Maritime villas represent a specifically Roman architec- logiju 19 (2002): 113–30.
tural phenomenon of coastal settlement. Some of them
were large and magnificent architectural structures Begović, Vlasta, and Ivančica Schrunk. »Ro-
built by the Roman elites to demonstrate their econom- man Villas in Istria and Dalmatia, Part III:
ic and political power. Our studies on the topography, Maritime villas.« Prilozi Instituta za arhe-
architecture and development of these villas in Roman ologiju 21 (2004): 65–90.
Istria suggest the existence of different stages of con-
struction. In Istria, the seaside villas were built by senato- Begović, Vlasta, and Ivančica Schrunk. The Bri-
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of scale in the agricultural and natural resources sectors, Heritage. Zagreb: Tehnička knjiga, 2007.
gaining important offices in Rome. Their names are
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