Page 436 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 436

Simulation, optimal management and infrastructure planning of gas
transmission networks

Ángel Manuel González-Rueda,
University of A Coruña, Spain

Coauthors: Alfredo Bermúdez, Diego Rodríguez-Martínez, Adolfo Núñez-Fernández,
Gabriel Capeáns-García, Damián Pallas-Carrillo, Mohsen Shabani

In this talk we plan to present the results of an ongoing collaboration with a Spanish company
in the gas industry, for which we have developed a software, GANESO, that simulates and op-
timizes gas transmission networks. A gas transmission network consists basically of emission
and consumption points, compressors and valves that are connected via pipes. The natural gas
flows along the pipes, but the friction with the walls of the pipes decreases the pressure of the
gas. At the demand points, the gas has to be delivered with a certain pressure, so it is necessary
to counterbalance the pressure loss in the pipes using compressor stations. Yet, compressor
stations operate consuming part of the gas that flows through the pipes, so it is important to
manage the gas network in an efficient way to minimize such consumption. In order to tackle
this problem in the steady-state setting, the methodology we have followed consists of imple-
menting a slight variation of the standard sequential linear programming algorithms that can
easily accommodate integer variables, combined with a control theory approach. Further, we
have developed a simulator for the transient case, based on well-balanced finite volume meth-
ods for general flows and finite element methods for isothermal models. It is worth mentioning
that we have also recently added two new features to GANESO in order to deal with energy
coupling issues. On the one hand, GANESO was extended to be able to manage heterogeneous
gas mixtures in the same network, including Hydrogen-rich mixtures. On the other hand, in
order to integrate gas and electricity energy systems, a new simulation/optimization framework
was developed for assessing the interdependency of both networks guaranteeing the security of
supply of the whole system. In our collaboration we have also studied other related problems to
gas networks, such as the allocation of gas losses, the infrastructure planning under uncertainty
and the computation of tariffs for networks access according to the different methodologies pro-
posed in EU directives. The developed software, along with the support and consulting analysis
provided by the research group, has allowed the company to improve its strategic positioning in
the gas sector.

Hydrodynamic load on coupled “ship” – “breast dolphin” system using a
conformal mapping approach

Aleksander Grm,
Univesity of Ljubljana, Slovenia

When a ship docks at a breast dolphin structure, such as a single pile flexible dolphin, one
question remains unanswered: How do the hydrodynamic loads of the ships contribute to the
deformation of the dolphins? One approach is the application of the potential flow theory and
the section-by-section approximation of the ship geometry. In the literature, the method is
usually referred to as "2.5D flow theory". The hydrodynamic loads of each section can now be
calculated using the conformal mapping approach from circular to ship cross-section geometry.
The proposed method is an improvement over Ursell’s method, which uses a circular cylinder.

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