Page 440 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 440

erates on a Web platform. This application should incorporate a functionality that allows to
optimise, according to multiple criteria, the routes of mobile agents in a network. The problem
was modelled using a multicriteria version of the travelling salesman problem to obtain the ef-
ficient routes. Several new heuristics were proposed whose performances were evaluated and
compared with classical approaches. It was also proposed a new dominance criteria relation
which allows to speed up the algorithms to search efficient solutions. The proposed algorithms
allowed us to explore new solutions that had not been found with classic ones.

An overview of EU-MATHS-IN and its activities

Wil Schilders,
TU Eindhoven, Netherlands

EU-MATHS-IN, the European Service Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation,
was established in November 2013 by the European Mathematical Society (EMS) and the Eu-
ropean Consortium of Mathematics for Industry (ECMI). It is a unique network of national
networks, currently with 21 countries on board. Since its foundation, EU-MATHS-IN has been
active to spread best practices, organise events and issue reports. It has set up close contacts
with the EU. In 2017, an Industrial Core Committee was established which has representa-
tives of important industries in Europe. In this talk, we will go into more detail concerning the
activities of EU-MATHS-IN, as well as on future plans.

An overview of the activities of the french network for mathematics and
entreprises, France

Maume Deschamps Véronique,

AMIES, France

From 2011, AMIES (French Agency for Mathematics in Interaction with Enterprises and the
Society) acts to developp and make more visible the collaborations between mathematical re-
search and companies in France. In the context of the digital transformation of companies and
Industry 4.0’ revolution, AMIES’ provides financial support and environment to promote in-
dustrial mathematics. We have identified more than 600 French companies calling upon French
mathematical research, of which nearly 300 have been supported by AMIES funding. Dur-
ing the talk, we will present the mechanisms put in place by AMIES and some examples of
collaborations and mathematical services for companies.

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