Page 441 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 441


Organized by Stefano Pozza, Charles University, Czech Republic
Coorganized by Davide Palitta, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical

Systems, Germany

• On the convergence of the Jacobi-type method for computing orthogonal tensor
decomposition, Erna Begovic´

• Inverses of k-Toeplitz matrices for resonator arrays with multiple receivers, Jose Brox
• A µ-mode-based integrator for solving evolution equations in Kronecker form,

Marco Caliari
• Random multi-block ADMM: an ALM based view for the Quadratic Programming case,

Stefano Cipolla
• A Lanczos-like algorithm for time-ordered exponentials, Pierre Louis Giscard
• Parallel Newton-Chebyshev Polynomial Preconditioners for the Conjugate Gradient

method, Ángeles Martínez
• Infinite Tensor Rings, Lana Periša
• Core reduction: Necessary and sufficient information in linear approximation problems,

Martin Plešinger
• On the numerical solution of certain linear multiterm matrix equations and applications,

Valeria Simoncini
• Riemannian thresholding methods for row-sparse and low-rank matrix recovery,

André Uschmajew
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