Page 439 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 439

Combining advanced mathematical methods, IoT and High-Performance
Computing to optimize energy in existing buildings

Christophe Prud’homme,
Université de Strasbourg, France

Coauthors: Zohra Djatouti, Vincent Chabannes, Romain Hild, Yannick Stoll, Luc Kern,
Syphax Ikardouchene

At a time of mass awareness of the impacts of climate change, mainly due to the increase in
carbon emissions, reducing and controlling energy consumption are major challenges for the
future. Taking up this challenge will help to contain the runaway rise in climate change. This
partnership between Cemosis, the platform for collaboration between mathematics and industry
at University of Strasbourg, and the company Synapse-Concept will speed up the identification
of sources of energy savings in existing buildings by means of clustered calculations and will
enable the effectiveness of the technical solutions proposed by architects and engineers to be
virtually tested before any improvement work is undertaken. In this talk, we present an overview
of the mathematical and computational framework — coupling modeling simulation data assim-
ilation, reduced order modeling and high performance computing — as well as some numerical

Acknowledgments The authors are grateful for the support of the Region Grand Est and the
Agency for Mathematics in Interaction with Enterprises and Society(AMIES).

An overview of the transfer activity in Spain. Coordination with
EU-MATHS-IN initiatives

Peregrina Quintela Estévez,
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain, and
Spanish Network for Mathematics & Industry, Spain
Coauthor: Alba Márquez Sánchez

In this talk, the most relevant aspects of the transfer of Mathematics in Spain will be presented.
In particular, the detail of the initiatives carried out to promote the transfer, some indicators
on the impact of this activity in the Spanish productive landscape, as well as some relevant
success stories of collaboration Academy - Industry will be introduced. Attention will also be
paid to the coordination of math-in activities with those promoted by EU-MATHS-IN in order
to multiply the potential of both structures facilitating transfer.

Optimizing the routes of mobile agents in a network using a
multiobjective travelling salesman model

José Luis Santos,
University of Coimbra, Portugal

This work is a result of the consortium formed by the company Smartgeo Solutions, Lda., in
the role of leading developer, and by the University of Coimbra. The main goal of the project
was the development of an innovative Geographic Information System application, which op-

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