Page 615 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 615

• Cuntz–Pimsner algebras associated to finite rank vector bundles twisted by a
homeomorphism, Maria Stella Adamo

• A glimpse to the Berezin numbers inequality, Mojtaba Bakherad
• Numerical solution of Optimal Transport Problem on graphs, Enrico Facca
• On system of split generalised mixed equilibrium problem and fixed point problems for

multivalued mappings with no prior knowledge of operator norm,
Oluwatosin Temitope Mewomo
• Some new refinements of Hardy-type inequalities, James Adedayo Oguntuase
• The q-Steffensen inequality and some related generalizations, Ksenija Smoljak Kalamir
• On the spectral gap of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators on large intervals,
Matthias Taeufer
• On rapidly varying sequences, Valentina Timotic´
• On semi-discrete sub-partitions of vector-valued measure, Gershon Wolansky
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