Page 618 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 618

algorithms in the literature.

Keywords: Inertial algorithm, system of split generalised mixed equilibrium problems, fixed
point problems, multivalued demicontractive mappings, strong convergence.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 65K15, 47J25, 65J15, 90C33.


[1] T.O. Alakoya„ L.O. O.T. Mewomo, Modified inertia subgradient extragradient method
with self adaptive stepsize for solving monotone variational inequality and fixed point
problems, Optimization (2020), DOI:10.1080/02331934.2020.1723586.

[2] C. Izuchukwu, K.O. Aremu, A.A. Mebawondu and O.T. Mewomo, A viscosity iterative
technique for equilibrium and fixed point problems in a Hadamard space, Appl. Gen.
Topol., 20 (1) (2019), 193-210.

[3] C. Izuchukwu, A. A. Mebawondu, K. O. Aremu, H. A. Abass and O. T. Mewomo, Vis-
cosity iterative techniques for approximating a common zero of monotone operators in
an Hadamard space, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo II, (2019),

[4] C. Izuchukwu, G.C. Ugwunnadi, O.T. Mewomo, A.R. Khan and M. Abbas, Proximal-type
algorithms for split minimization problem in p-uniformly convex metric space, Numer.
Algorithms, 82 (3), (2019), 909 – 935.

[5] L.O. Jolaoso, T.O. Alakoya, A. Taiwo and O.T. Mewomo, A parallel combination ex-
tragradient method with Armijo line searching for finding common solution of finite
families of equilibrium and fixed point problems, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo II, (2019),

[6] L.O. Jolaoso, T.O. Alakoya, A. Taiwo, O.T. Mewomo, Inertial extragradient method via
viscosity approximation approach for solving Equilibrium problem in Hilbert space, Op-
timization, (2020), DOI:10.1080/02331934.2020.1716752

[7] L.O. Jolaoso, A. Taiwo, T.O. Alakoya, O.T. Mewomo, A strong convergence theorem
for solving variational inequalities using an inertial viscosity subgradient extragradient
algorithm with self adaptive stepsize, Demonstr. Math., (2019), 52 (1), 183-203.

[8] L.O. Jolaoso, A. Taiwo, T.O. Alakoya, O.T. Mewomo, A unified algorithm for solving
variational inequality and fixed point problems with application to the split equality prob-
lem, Comput. Appl. Math., (2019), DOI: 10.1007/s40314-019-1014-2.

[9] O.T. Mewomo, F.U. Ogbuisi, Convergence analysis of an iterative method for solving
multiple-set split feasibility problems in certain Banach spaces, Quest. Math., 41 (1),
(2018), 129-148.

[10] F.U. Ogbuisi, O.T. Mewomo, On split generalized mixed equilibrium problems and fixed
point problems with no prior knowledge of operator norm, J. Fixed Point Theory Appl., 19
(3) (2017), 2109-2128.

[11] F.U. Ogbuisi, O.T. Mewomo, Iterative solution of split variational inclusion problem in
real Banach space, Afr. Mat., 28 (1-2) (2017), 295-309.

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