Page 619 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 619
[12] F.U. Ogbuisi, O.T. Mewomo, Convergence analysis of common solution of certain non-
linear problems, Fixed Point Theory, 19 (1) (2018), 335-358.
[13] F.U. Ogbuisi, O.T. Mewomo, Iterative solution of split variational inclusion problem in a
real Banach space, Afr. Mat., 28 (1-2), (2017), 295-309.
[14] G. N. Ogwo, C. Izuchukwu, K.O. Aremu, O.T. Mewomo, A viscosity iterative algorithm
for a family of monotone inclusion problems in an Hadamard space, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc.
Simon Stevin, (2019), (accepted, to appear).
[15] C.C. Okeke, O.T. Mewomo, On split equilibrim problem, variational inequality problem
and fixed point problem for multi-valued mappings, Ann. Acad. Rom. Sci. Ser. Math. Appl.,
9 (2), (2017), 255-280.
[16] A. Taiwo, L. O. Jolaoso, O. T. Mewomo, A modified Halpern algorithm for approximating
a common solution of split equality convex minimization problem and fixed point problem
in uniformly convex Banach spaces, Comput. Appl. Math, 38 (2), (2019), Article 77.
[17] A. Taiwo, L.O. Jolaoso and O.T. Mewomo, Parallel hybrid algorithm for solving pseu-
domonotone equilibrium and Split Common Fixed point problems, Bull. Malays. Math.
Sci. Soc., (2019), DOI: 10.1007/s40840-019-00781-1.
[18] A. Taiwo, L.O. Jolaoso and O.T. Mewomo, General alternative regularization method for
solving Split Equality Common Fixed Point Problem for quasi-pseudocontractive map-
pings in Hilbert spaces, Ricerche Mat., (2019), DOI: 10.1007/s11587-019-00460-0.
Some new refinements of Hardy-type inequalities
James Adedayo Oguntuase,
Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria
Coauthors: Emmanuel Oyeyemi Adeleke, Olubiyi Olanrewaju Fabelurin, Lars-Erik Persson
We obtain some further refinements of Hardy-type inequalities via superqudraticity technique.
Our results both unify and further generalize several results on refinements of Hardy-type in-
equalities in the literature.
The q-Steffensen inequality and some related generalizations
Ksenija Smoljak Kalamir,
University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology, Croatia
Since quantum calculus has many applications not only in mathematics but also in other sci-
ences, results concerning q-integrals are important in many applications. In this talk we present
q-analogue of the Steffensen inequality and prove some generalizations and refinements of q-
Steffensen’s inequality which were extensively studied in the case of the classical Steffensen
[12] F.U. Ogbuisi, O.T. Mewomo, Convergence analysis of common solution of certain non-
linear problems, Fixed Point Theory, 19 (1) (2018), 335-358.
[13] F.U. Ogbuisi, O.T. Mewomo, Iterative solution of split variational inclusion problem in a
real Banach space, Afr. Mat., 28 (1-2), (2017), 295-309.
[14] G. N. Ogwo, C. Izuchukwu, K.O. Aremu, O.T. Mewomo, A viscosity iterative algorithm
for a family of monotone inclusion problems in an Hadamard space, Bull. Belg. Math. Soc.
Simon Stevin, (2019), (accepted, to appear).
[15] C.C. Okeke, O.T. Mewomo, On split equilibrim problem, variational inequality problem
and fixed point problem for multi-valued mappings, Ann. Acad. Rom. Sci. Ser. Math. Appl.,
9 (2), (2017), 255-280.
[16] A. Taiwo, L. O. Jolaoso, O. T. Mewomo, A modified Halpern algorithm for approximating
a common solution of split equality convex minimization problem and fixed point problem
in uniformly convex Banach spaces, Comput. Appl. Math, 38 (2), (2019), Article 77.
[17] A. Taiwo, L.O. Jolaoso and O.T. Mewomo, Parallel hybrid algorithm for solving pseu-
domonotone equilibrium and Split Common Fixed point problems, Bull. Malays. Math.
Sci. Soc., (2019), DOI: 10.1007/s40840-019-00781-1.
[18] A. Taiwo, L.O. Jolaoso and O.T. Mewomo, General alternative regularization method for
solving Split Equality Common Fixed Point Problem for quasi-pseudocontractive map-
pings in Hilbert spaces, Ricerche Mat., (2019), DOI: 10.1007/s11587-019-00460-0.
Some new refinements of Hardy-type inequalities
James Adedayo Oguntuase,
Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria
Coauthors: Emmanuel Oyeyemi Adeleke, Olubiyi Olanrewaju Fabelurin, Lars-Erik Persson
We obtain some further refinements of Hardy-type inequalities via superqudraticity technique.
Our results both unify and further generalize several results on refinements of Hardy-type in-
equalities in the literature.
The q-Steffensen inequality and some related generalizations
Ksenija Smoljak Kalamir,
University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology, Croatia
Since quantum calculus has many applications not only in mathematics but also in other sci-
ences, results concerning q-integrals are important in many applications. In this talk we present
q-analogue of the Steffensen inequality and prove some generalizations and refinements of q-
Steffensen’s inequality which were extensively studied in the case of the classical Steffensen