Page 620 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 620
On the spectral gap of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators on large
Matthias Taeufer,
FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany
We study the effect of non-negative potentials on the spectral gap of one-dimensional Schrödinger
operators in the limit of large intervals. In particular, we derive upper and lower bounds on the
gap for different classes of potentials which characterize its asymptotic behaviour. This talk is
based on joint work with Joachim Kerner; arXiv:2012.09060.
On rapidly varying sequences
Valentina Timotic´,
University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Coauthors: Dragan Djurcˇic´, Ljubiša Kocˇinac
In this paper we investigate the connection between the class R∞,s, of rapidly varying sequences
(in the sense of de Haan) and the rapid equivalence, selection principles and game theory.
On semi-discrete sub-partitions of vector-valued measure
Gershon Wolansky,
Technion, Israel Inst. of Thechnology, Israel
We introduce a concept of optimal transport for vector-valued measures and its dual formula-
tion, and concentrate on the semi-discrete case and show some fundamental differences between
the scalar and vector cases. A manifestation of this difference is the possibility of non-existence
of optimal solution for the dual problem for feasible primer problems.
On the spectral gap of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators on large
Matthias Taeufer,
FernUniversität in Hagen, Germany
We study the effect of non-negative potentials on the spectral gap of one-dimensional Schrödinger
operators in the limit of large intervals. In particular, we derive upper and lower bounds on the
gap for different classes of potentials which characterize its asymptotic behaviour. This talk is
based on joint work with Joachim Kerner; arXiv:2012.09060.
On rapidly varying sequences
Valentina Timotic´,
University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Coauthors: Dragan Djurcˇic´, Ljubiša Kocˇinac
In this paper we investigate the connection between the class R∞,s, of rapidly varying sequences
(in the sense of de Haan) and the rapid equivalence, selection principles and game theory.
On semi-discrete sub-partitions of vector-valued measure
Gershon Wolansky,
Technion, Israel Inst. of Thechnology, Israel
We introduce a concept of optimal transport for vector-valued measures and its dual formula-
tion, and concentrate on the semi-discrete case and show some fundamental differences between
the scalar and vector cases. A manifestation of this difference is the possibility of non-existence
of optimal solution for the dual problem for feasible primer problems.