Page 75 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2021. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 75
importance of educating older adults with diabetes prehrana in zdravje starejših odraslih | nutrition and health of the elderly
Kristina Rakuša Krašovec
University of Novo mesto, Faculty of Health Sciences, Novo mesto, Slovenia
Introduction. Diabetes is a chronic non-communicable disease of modern times.
At the same time, one can almost speak of a pandemic, because type 2 diabe-
tes is one of the leading diseases of modern times. It affects adults after the age
of 40, and the cause of its morbidity is mainly inappropriate lifestyle. Therefore,
it is extremely important here to properly educate both the older and young-
er generation so that they know how to prevent themselves.
Methods. The research is quantitative and based on descriptive and causal
non-experimental method of work. The data for the analysis of the empirical
work was obtained using a survey technique, which was processed and graph-
ically displayed on a computer. The study included 90 patients treated for dia-
betes in Celje General Hospital.
Results. Research has shown that diabetic patients are receptive to new infor-
mation and knowledge, as they are aware that this is the only way they can
maintain their health as optimal as possible. They are aware that their health
depends on following all the medical advice they receive from the medical staff
with whom they are very satisfied. It was noted that it is the medical person-
nel who are concerned about supporting and motivating the diabetic patients
and their relatives.
Discussion and conclusion. The term training means education and to train di-
abetic patients properly, the medical staff must have a wide range of knowl-
edge. Adequate training is extremely important in maintaining and prevent-
ing the deterioration of health of a patient with diabetes. Diabetic patients are
usually elderly people who are often unaware of how severe the disease is and
how important they themselves are in preventing the development of chronic
complications from the disease. It is important that they cooperate and be in-
volved in the treatment process itself, which will be even more successful with
the right education.
Keywords: diabetes, training, health education, patient

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