Page 71 - Petelin, Ana, ur. 2021. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Zbornik povzetkov z recenzijo / Book of Abstracts. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem/University of Primorska Press
P. 71
venian national recommendations about nutrition and physical prehrana in zdravje starejših odraslih | nutrition and health of the elderly
activity for diabetes mellitus type 2
Jana Klavs, Andreja Semolič Valič
Nurses and midwives association of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Introduction and purpose. Inequalities in dietary counseling in the case of type
2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) have caused problems in everyday practice. Peo-
ple with T2DM have been confused by different contradictory advice, which
caused declining trust in health professionals. Association of Nurses and Med-
ical Technicians in Endocrinology (Nurses and Midwives Association of Slove-
nia) presented the initiative for the regulation of non-pharmacological recom-
mendations T2DM to the Ministry of Health, which supported the work of a
working group to prepare the first national recommendations. Ten institutions,
fourteen experts and a few external consultants have made Recommendations
on Diet and Physical Activity for Type 2 Diabetes in the last three years.
Content presentation. The content of the recommendations is divided into two
parts. The first part consists of recommendations based on research data and
established recommendations of international associations. The second part of
the recommendations directs a health professional how to put scientific find-
ings and expert recommendations into everyday practice. In the recommenda-
tions, the role of a health advisor in relation to a person with diabetes is rep-
resented by two characters, Zofi and Florjan. The recommendations cover
the areas of proper nutrition and physical activity in T2DM, define the goals
and methods of counseling, regulated staffing needs and relevant knowledge
for the implementation of nutritional therapy. The recommendations also in-
clude guidelines on the appropriate lifestyle of the counselor, which results in
favorable results in motivating the person with T2DM for changes in lifestyle
and in those changes being effective. According to our data, these are the on-
ly national recommendations that include a component of implementation in
everyday practice.
Conclusion. Recommendations present a basic framework for advising on ap-
propriate non-pharmacological measures for treatment of T2DM. New facts
that have a scientific basis and/or consensus of the group are presented. The
purpose of the unified recommendations is i) to unify the professional informa-
tion that people with T2DM obtain from secondary health professionals, ii) to
provide the health professionals with verified and scientific information to with-
stand the floods of untested and commercial information, and iii) to put pro-
fessional information before the individual beliefs (prevention of subjectivism,
authority in stigmatization). The most important component of recommenda-
tions is enabling health professionals to create good partnerships with person
with T2DM and to design treatment plans that people with T2DM can handle.
Keywords: type 2 diabetes mellitus, non-pharmacological treatment, national
recommendations, diet, physical activity

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