Page 180 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 180
Description of risk Criteria for unhealthy behaviour Answer n %
Yes 37 61,7
Fat in food preparation Margarine, butter, cream, lard No 23 38,3
Yes 19 31,7
Drinks with added sugar (fizzy No 41 68,3
drinks, still drinks, water with added One to three times a week or more
flavour, fruit syrup)

The questionnaire was used to determine the number of healthy eating
habits (scale 1-12). Most elderly 23.3 % scored 7 points, and 3.3 % all points. More
than half of the possible points got to 66,6 % seniors (Figure 1).

zdravje starostnikov | health of the elderly 178 Figure 1: Proportion of elderly and their number of healthy eating habits
Table 2: Results of the questionnaire about life habits

Questions Answers n %
Frequency of water and unsweetened beverages. Yes 8 13,3
Less than 2 glasses a day. No 52 86,7
Do you buy food alone? Yes 49 81,7
Do you cook meals yourself? No 11 18,3
You gained weight during Covid-19? Yes 46 76,7
Did you have Covid-19? No 14 23,3
Have you been vaccinated against Covid-19? Yes 14 23,3
How do you feel during the Covid-19 pandemic? No 46 76,7
Yes 7 11,7
No 53 88,3
Yes 36 60,0
No 24 40,0
Same as before 20 33,3
I fell more worried 40 66,6
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