Page 182 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 182
avje starostnikov | health of the elderly 180 eat fried foods and red meat too often, use too much fat, and eat too little veg-
etables, fish, and seafood. They also tend to add extra salt to their meals. Con-
sumption of grains and porridge is also inadequate. Nearly a quarter have in-
creased body weight. For the elderly, it is important that meals are energetically
tailored to their needs. Gender, age, diet, temperature, psychological factors,
physical activity and general well-being all play a role (Kobentar and Marin-
ič, 2000).

Slovenia and the whole of Europe are facing their greatest challenge yet: the de-
mographic crisis and the aging of the population pose unique challenges to hu-
man coexistence, intergenerational cooperation and the foundations of soli-

In the light of the pandemic of the new coronavirus (Covid-19), the vul-
nerability of an aging population is becoming clear. The complex process of ag-
ing, the cost of chronic disease, impaired physiological function, psychologi-
cal problems, disability, poverty, elder abuse, increased isolation, and more are
frightening signs of the challenges facing our aging society.

Due to poor diet, our elderly do not consume enough fruits and vege-
tables and do not drink enough fluids. Due to physiological changes in their
bodies, their appetite decreases and energy consumption decreases. Therefore,
it is necessary to evaluate dietary habits and develop a diet plan based on re-
search findings. This is the only way to prevent malnutrition, frailty syndrome
and other diseases related to malnutrition. This is a very good initiative to in-
volve dietitians in the health care system and other similar institutions (nurs-
ing homes, hospitals, rehabilitation centres, schools, etc.) where dietitians have
not been involved in the work process so far. It is important to point out that
we can address the health problems of older people and their unhealthy habits
by promoting healthy lifestyles and prevention programs, which are included
in many Slovenian nutrition policies.

It is obvious that dietitians are underrepresented in working process-
es. By including a dietitian in various programs, workshops and actions, we
could set a precedent for collaboration and learning in the local communi-
ty and beyond. With his expertise, a dietitian can address inappropriate eat-
ing habits that lead to malnutrition, frailty and other metabolic deficiencies. In
this way, he can improve the quality of life of the elderly. Because of his train-
ing, a dietitian can participate in numerous projects to promote healthy and
active lifestyles and use his knowledge to educate young and old alike about the
importance of healthy eating. In addition, a nutritionist can explain the recom-
mended guidelines for a balanced and energy-rich diet and warn against mod-
ern trends, marketing and advertising.

There are many programs and projects in Slovenia in which a dietitian
can be involved. They may work in health care, as volunteers or in some other
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